29 gallon



Hey. My name is Savanna, im new to this whole thing. I had a 29 gallon with a yellow tang,a firefish,starfish,cleaner shrimp, and a damsel.I think thats it, sadly i dont remember. We are moving back in our house,some time in the next week or to hopefully, and i cant wait to start over with my tank.I live in slidell and my house got 3 feet of water and we lost electricity so all my fish died
. I cant wait to get my tank back.



Active Member
Hi Savanna, sorry to hear about your losses. I wish you and your family the best and getting back into your hobby sooner than later good luck. and god bless


Originally Posted by Drewsta
Hi Savanna, sorry to hear about your losses. I wish you and your family the best and getting back into your hobby sooner than later good luck. and god bless

Hey thanks!