29g aggresive


whats your appinions on fish? tank is aged two months if it matters. 37lbs of LR and 1.5 inches of LS. i realy don't want damsels. thanks


Active Member
umm well your very limited because most aggressive fish establish a territory so in a 29G you will have to have fish that will be able to kinda chill together. You could do a strawberry pseudochromis, maroon clown, yellow watchman with pistol shrimp thats probably what I would do
Good luck


Active Member
Nope..no snowflake, but if you have 300-700 bucks to spend, you could look into a Yellow Dwarf Moray. Pretty much, for a 29..you could do a dwarf lion and a dwarf puffer, but that'd be it.


are puffers hard to take care of? i mean i heard that if their "beaks" get to big you gotta trim them or theywont eat.


Active Member
yes you could do a valentini puffer. I wouldn't recommend a SFE in a 29 but if you found one really small that would eat, sure get him he would be fine for about 8-12months just be careful they are escape artists


As far as Puffer's growing teeth: you have to let them eat things that have hard shells; chewing on those grinds down their teeth. If you have snails/hermits in your tank, chances are the Puffer will make meals of those and grind down his teeth in the process of chewing their shells. Feeding them something like Krill or Prongs, with the shells on, will do the same. I wonder, too, if pellets have the same effect. Unless they're too softened by the water they need to be chewed as well.