29G and lion?


New Member
Hello all. Just wanted to get opinions on a fuzzy dwarf lion or zebra dwarf lion in a 29 gallon nano. Maybe with a starry blenny and clean up crew. Would that work? I know those lions stay pretty small. Let me know! Thanks!


Active Member
Is say yes but others may have other opinions on this...I say keep him well fed and you should know the CUC will still not be safe as any Lionfish will attempt to eat anything that it can fit in their mouths.


New Member
Great! Thanks for replying. As fro the crew...I am going to avoid shrimp altogether but maybe just have a few big snails and crabs. If he eats them I guess I can just replace them as needed.
Also, am not going to do coral, just live rock. And I was thinking about going with a bare bottom tank; like no live sand. Do you think that would be okay too?
Or would a blenny want the sand?


Active Member
Blenny would want the sand, which I think looks better and more natural, but its up to you. I know snake likes barebottom tanks for corals, but I would say either way you're fine, but yes the blenny would like sand.


Active Member
Deep sand beds hold creatures that keep the tank clean like some species of bristleworms and other beneficial bacteria and critters just so you know.


Go with a shallow substrate...like 1" or so. BB just doesn't look "finished" and if you get any bottom dwellers, they will do better with something to rest on.
As for a 29...it would work with a dwarf lion, but it's the bare minimum IMHO/IME. Be sure to give it a cave/overhang or two.
The lion won't eat snails or hermit crabs, but non-hermits and shrimp will become food. It also may take down a blenny. I'd add the lion first and get it established before adding any piscine tankmates, but the lion will be a pretty heavy load for that setup, so you'll have to work to keep your water quality up.
Here's a pretty good article on keeping lionfish that you should read:
Lions are great fish, and I highly recommend going with a dwarf fuzzy over the zebra, esp. for a first lionfish. Fuzzies are a lot more hardy and are easier to wean. You'll have a little aquatic puppy dog in no time!