29g biocube complete in DC Metro


Oceanic 29g Biocube with stand (6 months old)
35 lobs live rock
30 lbs live sand
1 pajama cardinal
1 cinnamon clown
1 lawnmower blenny
1 blue damsel (not the devilish kind)
1 neon goby
1 skunk cleaner shrimp
10 blue-legged hermits
10 turbo snails
1 feather duster
1 Pink tipped green frogspawn
1 Pink tipped green hammer
4 stalks of peach sinularia
5 green striped mushroom frags
$275 takes all.


The lighting is 2x65w PCs. The entire setup is only 6 months old and the bio-balls have been replaced by mature live rock rubble. Here are some pics:



Active Member
I will take it. Do you have any additional powerheads, test kits etc that you could throw in? I will be going to new york for christmas and new years so i would be most likely picking up the tank within the first few days of january. Would this be okay? I will pay cash on pickup. Just let me know how you want to do things.