29g biocube nano tank


Active Member
ok, where is a good place, does anyone know, to buy a 29g biocube tank, and how should i set it up? im in yacolt, washington near vancouver/portland
check on craigslist for a used one, otherwise most lfs should carry them, although Im no were near you, so it could be different down here in Texas


Active Member
what kinda tank would u recommend getting, what brand and what not, and should i go with the stock setup or should i mod it?


Active Member
the red sea max biocubes are amazing!!! a little pricy but i think worth it and it will allow you to anything


Active Member
if you get the red sea max you wouldnt really need any mods. i dont think it an all in one that really thinks of everything. go to there web site and check it out!


there are so many ways to mod a biocube. i know that so will take out the center section and put in some LR rubble, and so cheato. some will put in a protein skimmer. its really how you want to set it up. if you put like 30lbs of lr in the DT then you could put just the protein skimmer.


i would say oogle it and you would be in the right direction. i think its a good filter for pulling something out of the water. i have/currently using the 14g bio with just the carbon filter and the bioballs in there. i haven't had a chance to mod it yet. but its running fine. it has lots LR in it so im not to worried


Active Member
thanks guys, now on the question of fish, i was thinking of a pair of small clowns, like these guys, Black & White Ocellaris Clownfish, a dwarf flame angel, and Hi Fin Red Banded Goby with the appropriate shrimp, plus the standard hermits and what not, especially Electric Blue Hermit Crab, i love the way these guys look, and possibly a Debelius' Reef Lobster, does anyone have any comments on these guys? i mean, is it too much in the way of inverts? or fish? or whatnot? lol again, i am totally noobish, so i want all the advice i can get my hands on LOL


Active Member
sounds alright to me the black and white clowns can be agressive but they should be alright. most people would probably say not to put an angel in a nano but if you get the 34g red see max it would be no problem


Active Member
sweet im wanting him to be the center piece u know and im still lookin at gobies not sure which one now lol but i want one that will form a relationship with a shrimp lol


Active Member
if you look on this site at the fish section just check those out i personaly love the yellow watchman goby. im gunna have a shrimp goby combo


Active Member
will a lobster be ok in that tank? and how many hermits and stuff should i have in a tank that size? should i do just hermits or snails and hermits?


i think that that might be to many fish for a 29g. i would start a new thread on that question. you would get more answers that would lead you in the right direction.


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
will a lobster be ok in that tank? and how many hermits and stuff should i have in a tank that size? should i do just hermits or snails and hermits?
I don't think I would chance the lobster. Could get nasty. Just build it up slow and stock slow and enjoy.


Active Member
thanks guys, this is why im loving this site, everyone is so helpful, and yeah, i think your right on the lobster, he looks really cool though, but, ill go with the advice of the people who know a lot more than me lol