Originally Posted by sazarac
<PerfectDark-I can post a pic if you want.>
<MotorCity-I'll try to get some pictures and updates soon.>
Please! I am a very visual person. Photos would help immensely.
<PerfectDark-As for the Hydor there is a pic of it on my post>
Which post? The only photos I see in this thread are TXChewys. I just looked again. Am I missing something? I DO see the Hydor in his post. It's bigger then I expected.
As for live rock rubble, I'll just have to see if I can get some.
Can Chemi-pure or any of the other chemical filter media be used with the LRR? I.E. in the same chamber. In the mean time, I'd like to remove some of the BB and use Chemi-pure (just ordered) and the filter floss. Which brings me to my next question.
Does the filter floss (is it the same as the polyester fluff used to stuff pillows?) get fibers all over the tank? Should I rinse it first? How much should be used? Does it matter where I put it? On top of the BB filter screen? I'm putting the Chemi-pure under the screen on top of the remaing BBs, so should I put it on top of the chemi-pure bag? Will this improve flow at all?
Yup, that's right. More dumb questions.
And guess what? I'll have more.
Saz - I will try to answer some of your questions (and i'm still working on getting the pics - maybe this weekend!)
I dont know if filter floss is the same stuff used to stuff pillows but it will get a few fibers into the tank - you can either try rinsing it before putting it in or just pick the fibers out when they do get in. Its really not a big problem, I have only seen a few fibers and thats only when I first replace it.
I cut a piece to fit on top of the cover you are talking about but I dont see why you couldnt put it underneath. I think having it on top makes it easier to remove from the tank without spiling all of the "gunk" back into the water.
hope this helps!