29g in progress (slow but steady)


Hey all,
Here are some pics of my 29g tank, which finished cycling about 2 weeks ago.
Current inhabitants include:
3 scarlet hermit crabs
3 turbo snails
2 astrea snails
1 peppermint shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 small urchin
1 small colony of green star polyps
I dose with calcium once every 2 weeks and I am currently supplimenting the urchin's diet with some seaweed strips (which he loves).
Any ideas on what else I can feed my shrimp ( I have given them small pieces of enriched brine, but wasn't sure what else might be better)
Any comments or questions are welcome. Enjoy.


aztec reef

Active Member
imo you don't have to specially feed them, they will eat detrius,fish poop, and some of the foods that you feed your fish..like frozen foods... :happyfish


The urchin is awesome. He hides in the cave work during the day and then pops out at night to munch on algae. His orange accents are really pretty and he is eating well.


The urchin has not moved anything around (yet). He has wedged himself into some pretty tight places during the day but most of my rockwork is made up of large pieces and all of tem are locked together extremely tight.
all in all, he is a pretty peaceful little guy.


OK small update...
10 scarlet hermits
4 nassarius snails
small colony of orange Zoo's
Everybody in the tank is doing great, see the pic of the zoo's below (anybody know what specific type they are?)
only planning on 1 or 2 small fish (clown and sixline). Currently obsessed with color and corals.
Comments welcome!
