29g lighting


starting my first reeftank, just wanting to know what i can keep with 250w of mh lighting, i want easy to care fore adn hardy corals to start with. he setup is
10 sump/ref
36w uv steralizer
coral life 125 skimmer
canister for carbon
40#ls, thanks for all sugggeston and help!


what are some good easy to care for corals, i was thinking bout xenia, toadstools, kenyatree, maybe a small clam! what is the feeding like?


Active Member
I would not recomend a clam. They are a liitle hard to care for.
All the other stuff you listed are great for starters!
feeding could be adding phyto plankton to the tank evry couple days (depending on capacity load)


Originally Posted by nemo09
what are some good easy to care for corals, i was thinking bout xenia, toadstools, kenyatree, maybe a small clam! what is the feeding like?
most of the corals besides the clam you can keep under normal PC lighting. I use PC and i have torch, toadstools, xenias, shrooms, star polyps, colts, galaxy coral. thoes are all really nice corals that are easy to keep.


Active Member
if ur tank is mature and stable, then anything. remember lighting is just one of many components needed for a successful reef setup.
The are run about 9 hrs. a day. I just have noticed hair algea and my coraline seems not to be growing as it was. My water quality is fine, no nitrates no phosphates. I've been told I only need to change the bulbs every 16 months...but?