29g setup


New Member
I am getting a 29g tank this weekend and I would like to know...can/do i put LR and LS in as soon as I get it and set it up or do I need to wait on the cycling? How do I start the cycle process? What else do I need to go along with the tank.. besides the basic stuff like heater, filter, basic things like that? I am buying a 29g tank with a saltwater setup it includes CC and some other things (heater, filter, powerhead, hydrometer, thermometer, food, CC, and some other small things). What else do I need? Any info would be much appreciated. Thanx....:D


Active Member
WOW where to start. Well you should start by doing a search on deep sand beds. Most people prefer sand to cc for many reasons. You should add your lr and ls as soon as the tank has saltwater in it. What I would do is this. Fill your tank with RO/DI water. Add your heater and salt mix. Get these where they need to be. Add your lr and ls. There are a few ways to cycle your tank. You can either use dead uncooked shrimp or a few damsels. I assume you are new so I suggest you do a lot of reading and searching on this hobbie. It can be difficult and confusing at times but it's all worth it when you look at your tank.


Just wanted to add to what slick said. If you get uncured LR or LR that has been shipped, you can use that to cycle your tank, you don't need to add damsels or dead shrimp if you go that route.