29g sump for 75 gal tank setup questions


I plan on setting up my first saltwater tank this weekend (or next weekend). It will be a 75 gal. I already have 80 lbs of live sand and plan on putting this over sand from Home Depot(any recommendations on how much? I was thinking 50 lbs). I also plan on buying as much live rock as I can afford. I plan on ordering from Gulf-View- mostly due to advice on this forum. Probably about 60 lbs initially, more in the future. I intend to have community fish: 4 p. clowns, 3 cardinals, yellow tang, royal gramma, and some kind of dwarf angel (flame?) is the latest list) and inverts. About filtration: I have heard people say a sump is a good idea to create a larger volume of water. This makes a lot of sense to me and I am looking into it. I have an Emperor 400 filter and a prism protein skimmer. would it make sense to put these, along with heaters, ls, and lr, in a 29 gal tank? I would like to keep all of this stuff out of sight. Also what kind of pump would I need? Any feedback on this idea or other strategies would be appreciated, thanks :cool:


You could use the 29g and split it so that part of it has your heater, skimmer, and return pump (mag 7), and the other part as a refugium. This could hold some live sand and calupera macro algea. The calupera would filter out the nitrates. Everything else sound like a good plan.


it a great idea to have a 29 G sump with Heater + Your filter media if your choice (I like cuapella personally, if I spell it right)
The Emperor 400 us it as hang-on on your 75 G to increase the water flow in the main tank
The Prizm Skimmer for a 75 G is a big "NO" IMO they are over rated the skimmer
I have Prizm in my 75 G Reef, yes the skimmer work good but it was not designed for 75G or larger.
Lot of ppl said that In-Line skimmer works better then hang-on, seen you gonna build a Sump use the in-line skimmer
Pump in the sump, ppl recomment MAG-DRIVE because it's durable. The pump's GPH is depending on your over-flow box.
good luck
question for you
can you fit 29 G in 75 G stand? or unless you gonna put out side the stand
I have 75 G and thinking build the sump in the next 2 weeks here and I am looking for a good small tank size that fit comfortably and easy to maintain in the future. Wondering 29 G is a little big??.


thanks for the replys :) I don't know what BTW or IMO means, also would a refugium be necesarry with all the lr I plan on having? I don't even know exactly what a refugium consists of so if you could clarify that would be great. Also why not the emperor, and what would you recommend instead? I recently bought both the emperor and the prism so bringing them back will be no proble, actually when I got them I was planning on a 55 gal. Also, could someone explain how the pump and overflow box is set up? As far as the 29 gal tank fitting in the 75 gal stand, I don't realy know lol, I don't have my tank or stand yet. The tank will be kitty-cornered so putting it behind the stand will be a possibility, I also may decide to make a stand. I have a 29 gal already so thats why I choose 29 gal in the first place. I might end up just getting a smaller size tank for the sump though. Krusk- let me know how your setup goes :cool: thanks guys


BTW = By The Way
IMO = In My Opinion
well, I gonna go to the store and take a look at 20 Long to see if it will fit inside the stand
Over Flow Box I thinking geting from CPR but there are reported that it is hard to mantain when it stuck with algae
I'm gonna take a look at ReefLife overflow, we I know broomer use it
I will post back with all the answers


Sorry for the delay on the response.
Ok, the emporer would not be needed because of all the lr you have. The live rock will help filter down to the nirtrate level, but will only slightly help reduce nitrates.
I would get a skimmer for your sump, there are a lot of choices for in sump skimmers. I'm guessing most people here would choose berlin's.
The point of the refugium is to allow your nitrates to break down to nitrogen gas. To do this you need something to finish the cycle. Most macro algeas will complete this cycle (Calupra is a very common type). Inside the refugium you would put in either Miracle mud, or a deep sand bed, and put in the calupra. You then place a regular florecent grow lamp over this tank that stays on 24/7. If you wanted to you could put a mangrove tree in there instead of calupra. This would also work, but you would only have the lights on 12 hours a day.
If you didn't want to use a lot of your tank space up with a deep sand bed then you wouldn't need to with a refuium. You could also put some unusual critters in the sump.


Active Member
Hi jeo,
First off - you are in an excellent position to do your 75 gallon tank right the first time, and not have to go back and make modifications later.
Going with the 75 over the 55 - excellent choice.
Sump Refugium - Ideal set up IMO, and much much easier to set up prior to having your tank set up, and having to do later.
29 glass sump would be great if you can indeed fit it under the stand.
If you build your own stand - it may be possible.
Many store bought stands, depending on where the stands door is located, prevent many of us from using a large glass tank underneath for sump/refugium. It just flat out will not fit - I've tried - and the laws of geometry will not allow it. Just not enough room in many cases.
If you set the glass tank sump in the stand BEFORE placing your 75 gallon tank on top of stand - it's possible then.
Sometimes people,including myself, will use a Rubbermaid type container for this reason.
You can get some pretty good size plastic containers for a song, modify them to your needs, and they work rather well. Can't see through them, some may find they look sort of "hillbilly" rigged and unprofessional, but they are removable if you have space limitations with the stand's door.
Pro's of using a glass tank.
Easy to divide into separate chambers with acrylic sheets for dividers/baffles.
Looks cleaner - nice to be able to see what's happening in the sump.
Lots of inexpensive smaller tanks out there to choose from.
Downside of using a glass sump. If it ever develops a leak - and sometimes tanks do - if it won't fit through the door of the stand - pardon the expression ... you're screwed.
Gotta empty and lift off the display tank to get the leaker out.
Other than that - glass or acrylic tanks for sumps are better - again IMO.
DSB deep sand bed and as much live rock in the display tank is the greatest thing for reef tanks since ..... well I don't know - they are both just EXCELLENT things to have, and planning this from the start will be the best advise you'll probably get here.
If you have enough live rock and DSB, most other "optional" biological filtration is just that - optional.
Skimmer's are good if you have lot's of fish - but if you keep your fish load low - you may not need one. Especially if you go with the algae scrubbing refugium.
AS rhomer said, the refugium is used as additional fitration. By placing some live rock and sandbed in the refugium, and allowing macro algae such as caulerpa to grow there - the algae will take up some of the "excess" nutrients in the tank, such as nitrate and phosphate, will help stabalize your pH over time, adds oxygen to the water, and is a great thing to have. As the macro algae grows and removes nitrate/phosphate - some of it is occasionally harvested and removed from the system - thus REMOVING these harmful compounds from your reef system. Mother nature at it's best.
If I were you - I would hesitate setting up your tank this weekend - if you can stand it - and wait until you have all your equipment, stand and such. This will prevent you from having to re-do stuff later.
A HUGE advantage of planning ahead.
HTH and good luck - keep your questions coming.
See ya,


Thanks so much for the advice guys :D I am definitly going to wait at least another week on setting up the tank, I have to think all of this stuff over. Because I have not bought the tank yet I plan on getting one woth a corner overflow which I have read is the best choice.
I am still unclear on the return pump, an internal(is this the same thing as a powerhead) seems to make more sense to me for noise reasons, any opinions? Also any specific recommendations on what brand? I have heard good and bad about mags.
Another thing that I am confused about is the skimmer. I have a prizm right now, but could return it no problem. Krusk says it will not be enough. rhomer says most people choose berlins, which I have looked at, but in other posts I have read they are not that good. Broomer says I might not even need one. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> I know a lot of different factors play into it, I plan on having as many fish as is reasonable. I also plan on having inverts which demand better water quality I have heard. I don't have the $ to buy anything too fancy as far as a skimmer either (I got the prism for $80)
I am going to the lfs tomorrow night sometime and I will check out their tanks, pumps and skimmers, mihgt even buy the tank if they have what I need. Tanks again for all of the advice, I don't know what I would do without this forum
i dont think you should go with the sump idea, just because you already bought a lot of hang on the back things, if you want to go with the sump, put the emperor on and the skimmer for more filteration and still use the sump, dont just throw those parts away if you get the sump, you can always just buy a sump too


Regarding the 29 gallon as a sump, I use a 29 gallon sump for my 75 gallon and it fits -- just barely -- into the stand. I had to be sure to put it under there before I snapped the main support beam into place. If I had put the stand togethor first, I would not have been able to add the 29 gallon.
I suppose if you are not using the same stand that I'm using, that it might not work. I'll check the kind of stand when I get home from work (I don't remember what it is offhand).
The other suggestions are all good, especially those suggesting a in-sump skimmer. I've used a hang-on skimmer (CPR bac pac 2) and an in-sump and the in-sumps are just a lot better. I hear only good things about refugiums but I didn't set mine up that way myself.


You asked about pumps/powerheads. In essance they are the same thing, but pumps are designed to return water to the main tank from a tank positioned lower. A power head is used for water flow. I use two hagen aquaclear 402's (270 gph) and a hagen aquaclear 201 (170 gph). I also have the return from my sump. I guess that I turn my tank over 10-15 times per hour. You should shoot for 10 times. As for brands the two recommeded here is maxi-jets and hagen's. I've read mostly good things about mags, and that's what I got. I've read that the mag 7 has some issues.
You really don't need the filter. Take it back and get a refund. BTW if you do some investigation you should be able to save 40-60% by shopping on the internet. The mag 5 at the lfs was 99.00, online it was 48.00.
As for the skimmer issue. Don't skimp on the skimmer. If you want a larger fish load the better skimmer will help. If your budget is getting tight, try building your own hood and lights and save some money there. Setup the lights so that they are easy to upgrade later. I did a lot of investigating, and read that berlin's were very good skimmers. The prizm is rated for max 75 gallon, but I've heard that it is pushing it for a 75.
you could always put the 29g tank through the top opening of the stand before you put the tank on, lol that will defintely work


ok, here is what I think I am going to do: get a drilled tank (75 gal), and a Mag 7 pump (I found one online for $50- also a few people have said they have problems but the majority of people have recommeded them :( ) I am going to buiild my own stand, so fitting it won't be a problem. I plan on making a refugium as well by dividing off part of the tank, putting ls and the calupra in it. If any of this sounds wrong, or you don't think the mag 7 is a good idea, let me know, thanks :cool:


I like rhomer's idea of building my own hood. I found a 48" 4 Lamp VHO Retrofit Kit online for $165, and plan on making a wooden frame to mount it on. My question is how far above the water should the lights be?


You probably want the lights about 6 inches above the water, you could also try mixing light types.
You can get retro pc for 65 bucks from ahsupply.com, these are very compact and easy to setup. They also have some designs for hoods.
You could get a two bulb VHO setup and put actinics in that, and get two 55 watt pc lights and put in 10k's. Probably would be cheaper. The bulbs aren't that differnt in price, and what i've read the pc's last longer.
We have a 105 Oceanic tall tank, used a 20 gallon acrylic sump under it with a 10 gallon refugium beside the sump. Once you get all the equipment into the sump you don't have room for a refugium too. We use a pump to get water to the refugium and a hang on overflow to get the water back to the protien skimmer side of the sump. Seems to work well so far. Have Caulerpa in the refugium, but only run the lights 12 hours. We didn't see a need for the hang on filter since we have LR, DSB, filtration in the sump and then the refugium. Have been running this way for 4 weeks with good results.