2nd DEAD cleaner shrimp!!!


New Member
Okay..so I'll try and make this quick. Tank up and running for 1 month, all water tests great. Put in cleaner shrimp... the next morning DEAD. Acclimated for 1 1/2 hours with drip method. Went to LFS explained what happened, they said it could be a fluke. Bought another one. Boyfriend watched tank off and on for several hours. He said shrimp went in with no problem. Half hour later he was in one spot and wasn't moving! An hour later, he found him being eaten by my hermit crabs!! Is this normal??? I don't think he's molting b/c I found his antennas floating in tank. Why are they dying? I test for: Ammonia =0, nitite=0, ph=8.2, salinity=1.025, nitrate=5ppm. Also bought anemone with him. Anemone is fine. Never treated tank with copper.
Never added any supplements.


Active Member
Welcome to the boards!
I wish I could help you out with good news...

Take your anemone back, and don't add any more cleaners for a while.
Your chances of success with both are not good with a 1 month old tank. A tank that's only a month old has only just recently finished it's initial cycle (assuming it was properly cycled), but tanks require 6-12 months to properly settle in and stabilize before they can be considered "established," and animals like cleaner shrimp and anemones which are incredibly sensitive to water quality will not do well until their tanks are well established.
If you absolutely insist on getting another cleaner, acclimate him over at least 3 hours, however I will reiterate that I think it's your tank's age playing a bigger part in this than your acclimation time.


New Member
I had the same problem when I attempted to add peppermint shrimp in the early stages of my tank. I would double check my calcium if I were you. Lack of calcium causes crustaceans, and snails to act a little lethargic an even die if unchecked.


New Member
I had the same problem when I attemptad to add peppermint shrimp in the early stages of my tank. I would double check my calcium if I were you.


Active Member
in this hobby, one must go slow, real slow. as stated b4, wait til ur stablized. u might not hv to wait 9-12 months. i'd wait at least 3 months w weekly water chng.


This might be a dumb question.....but have you ever added any "bag water" from additions you have already added? Do you currently have any inverts (crabs, snails, etc.)
A friend of mine had this happen and was completely clueless as to why things kept dying....turns out he never quite realized that every time he added new fish...he was adding a bit of the LFS tank water which 95% of the time is treated with copper....(at least around here)
He tested the water for copper and sure enough....there were some trace amounts which from what I hear is enough to wipe out your inverts...even if it takes a bit of time...
I actually had the same thing happen also, cleaner shrimp molted in the bag before being acclimated and when I dropped him in the tank, he moved to one spot and didn't move....dead in 20 minutes. Must have been a fluke because I have one now that is thriving and doing very well.


I have to disagree on the shrimp. I initially had a coral banded shrimp, he wasn't being nice, then traded him in for a cleaner shrimp. I put him in when the tank was about 2 months old and it's still doing great. Molted, grew a little, looks very happy, goes around cleaning everything he can find, even jumps on my arm when I put it in the tank. And you should see him leap around for food... cracks me up. So I think if you test your parameters often, do frequent water changes, you should be ok. Drip acclimate for 3 hours, then just transfer the shrimp, not the water to your tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I have to disagree on the shrimp. I initially had a coral banded shrimp, he wasn't being nice, then traded him in for a cleaner shrimp. I put him in when the tank was about 2 months old and it's still doing great. Molted, grew a little, looks very happy, goes around cleaning everything he can find, even jumps on my arm when I put it in the tank. And you should see him leap around for food... cracks me up. So I think if you test your parameters often, do frequent water changes, you should be ok. Drip acclimate for 3 hours, then just transfer the shrimp, not the water to your tank.
Your case is rare, and not recommended for tanks this new. I went thru 5 shrimp before my wallet said 'no more'. After stabilizing the tank, I tried again with a cleaner, and no problem. But check the salinity. I think I was killing mine because of the difference between my salinity and the lfs. They keep their's rediculously low, so you have to take more time acclimating, bringing the salinity up near yours.