2x24 T5 vs. 65w PC


I have to purchase a new fixture since my current one burned up today. Which would be better between 2x24w T5 and a 65w PC?


Active Member
I don't know alot about the eclipse tanks but do they have their filter and lighting all in one?
Are you wanting to put on a whole new light system or just new bulbs in your current one?
I have a 25 gal and was looking at the new T5's out too. I am no lighting expert at all only going by what my LFS said and believe me I am not jumping into anything just yet.
She claims that the 2 T5's would give me enough light to house clams and anemones????? :thinking: Expert help here please
The T5's are also cheaper to buy.
The power compact she also claims does not give the same amount of light as the T5's in the 65 watt. Once again Expert help here..... :help:
I am not really a whole lot of help here, but if you can answer the above question you will get more replies and best all we can both learn....



I was thinking of going with the t5's just because they won't put off as much heat. I am wanting to stick with the hood and put both of the t5's with reflectors under the current housing that is given for the 24" t8's that are in it right now.


Active Member
i also asked pc or t5. i was told that 216 watts of t5 was better than 280 watts of pc. It has a different look but i like it and my corals..... well they have grown a lot more under t5 that pc as i have had both. I highky doubt you would be able to keep anemones or clams with that as thats 1.7 watts per gallon. with t5 i would go with mmmmmm...... 3.5 watts per gallon for anemones and maybe 4 for clams. With mine i have 4 watts per gallon and can keep calms aneomes acropora capricornius (sp?) but near the top


Thanks for the info. Everyone else please feel free to put in their .02 as this is a learning experience for many people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mauiman84
I was thinking of going with the t5's just because they won't put off as much heat. I am wanting to stick with the hood and put both of the t5's with reflectors under the current housing that is given for the 24" t8's that are in it right now.
I am just curious, if you currently have t8's in there right now don't you have to change the balast and fitting for the t5's?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
i also asked pc or t5. i was told that 216 watts of t5 was better than 280 watts of pc. It has a different look but i like it and my corals..... well they have grown a lot more under t5 that pc as i have had both. I highky doubt you would be able to keep anemones or clams with that as thats 1.7 watts per gallon. with t5 i would go with mmmmmm...... 3.5 watts per gallon for anemones and maybe 4 for clams. With mine i have 4 watts per gallon and can keep calms aneomes acropora capricornius (sp?) but near the top

I totally agree with you in respect to the amount of lighting the "clams and anemones" need. I would not even think about getting either of these with just 2 t5's. After doing some research on these lights and seeing the brochure for them I am still not totally convinced that I would achieve anything more " for my tank" than what I already have.
I only have room for 1 light, I run a 20watt power-glo 18,000k. I know the t5's would give me more brighter light but for the cost would it be what I would consider a "huge" upgrade>
I currently keep mushrooms and leathers just fine with what I have. More light would make them grow faster but what else would 2 t5's give me more???


Yes i would buy a retrofit kit to put in place of my t8's. I think i can squeeze 2 t5's and reflectors in the space my t8's are in right now. If i can't then i'll get the single 65w PC. If i do the 65 i'll have 2.24w per gallon. The problem is the the t5's would probably be more beneficial. The t5 setup would be around 120 where the pc would only be about 70. decisions decisions decisons lol


Active Member
What I was going to do if I were to go the t5 route was to gut my current strip and install the t5 ballast. This is what I would have to to pay for a t5 setup here in Canada
Ballast $60.00
Lights $30.00 each
Cover if I did not use my current one $120.00
Reflectors $65.00
Now is you can get your whole setup for $120.00 jump on it, that cost is just for a new cover in our good old country of Canada.
Check the replacement bulbs for the PC, sometimes these can be steep in price, here they are that is for sure.
This is why I am going to sit and think a while for my situation. Things are just so expensive here, everything has to be shipped in and by the time I pay the shipping cost I might as well have just bought it here.
Good luck and let us know what you do.....


I decided to go with the TEK 2x24w setup. I'm ordering now and should be here next week sometime. Hope it goes in easy.


Active Member
Great, let me know how it goes. I just emailed Fanker regarding this question for myself. I wanted to know what would one be able to keep different between these two types of lights.
I just phoned our LFS and for the replacement 65 watt PC are you ready.......$64.00.... :scared:
I can order the whole strip with light at a store in Canada for $86.00 and replacement bulbs $34.00 but then there is the dam shipping cost which I don't know what that is yet.
Count yourself lucky......