2x250 too much?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SWFein
Would a 2x250 MH setup be too much for my 55g?
Depends on what you plan on keeping?
And how far you gonna have the fixture raised of the tank etc...
Kinda a lot of light. 150s would work perfect but if you get the 250s you can upgrade to a bigger tank and use em which will happen in this hobby lol


The fixture will be raised on its stands off the tank. On craigslist theres an odyssey 2x250 2xactinics for 200 or I can get a 2x150 sunpod for about 220 (hopefully).


Active Member
is this the standard 55 with the bracket in the middle?
What kinda corals are you planing on Keeping?
Personlly id go with the 150s. Still an ample amountof light for you to keep watever u want, Softies, Zoas, Lps, Sps. and not have to worry about hiding any of the from the light...


Active Member
dual 150's
250's will pump out heat and higher electric bill.
if your tank was deeper (say 120cube) then 250s would be ok. right now im on the line with my 3x250's...but i can hang it on the ceiling. ITs a 125brick. wich has considerbly more water than your 55..therefore heat wont be nearly as much a concern...but for you heat is my primary thought.
if you opt for the 250's cross ventalation and raising them will be needed.
if you went with he 150's(my choice) you shouldn't see any problems. and they will be plenty for a smaller tank.


Active Member
i would say the 250 in most cases but in this case since your only using the factory stand offs that will be much to much light and heat for the tank. those things only hold the lighting a few inches off the tank. heck even with the 150's i wont be shocked if you have a problem.. if you can hang the fixture you will be much better off. makes for better spread/better viewing/better to work in/less heat/ and i'm sure a few other reasons i cant think of off hand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
read the whole thread. with the way he wants to set it up 250 would be far to much heat.
Exactly, a 55gal tank is relatively shallow AND not a whole lot of water volume.
I would advise the dual 150's for a 55gal. You will get PLENTY of growth sustained on dual 150's 250's would work...but heat will be noticeable.


I have a single 400 watt MH on my 65 and never have problems although the heat it generates is crazy I just built fans in my canopy. As for the electric bill you wont really see a increase at least I havent my bill is usually 260-270 and after the light its actually been 240-260


Active Member
Originally Posted by oceana
read the whole thread. with the way he wants to set it up 250 would be far to much heat.
I read everything (particularly of what the POSTER said). The question was is 250x2w too much for a 55g and the only other info were the two fixtures in question. I dont see anything that would suggest heat as the primary concern or focus of discussion(if so get T5 and be done). I took that as will 250w scortch corals primarily with perhaps other issues being secondary.
As one who HAS a 150w x2 sunpod over a 17" tall 3ft 30g I'm 100% certain 250w x2 is better for growth, bulb selection, future upgrades, peace of mind always wondering if you should have gone 250w after getting 150w and most importantly if and when the time comes to progress to sps 250w are a WAY better choice than 150w even on a 55g. ANY reef tank 16-24" would benefit from the peformance increase of 250w over 150w all things being equal excluding an all mushroom or non photosynthetic aquarium. depending on whats going to be kept four normal output flourescents could be enough, the question was is 250w x2 too much. many sps and even leathers and zooanthid do best in PAR readings from 400-700+, you will not get that kind of penetration very far down with 150w DE. If you want to place anything anywhere get 250w. 175 SE are alot closer in performance and growth than 150w DE despite the closeness in wattage and alleged superiority of DE bulbs (this easily sanjay guide verifyable and I know first hand). If I were going to play conservative it be 175 SE.
Without knowing open top/closed top, cool room/hot room, sump and size/sumpless, aux fans/no fans, high heat circulation pump(s)/low heat pump(s) who really knows if heat will be an issue. My tank runs 78deg with no fans with probably 30g total water volume, 300w and the sunpod is about as close to the water as any fixture is going to be. IF heat is an issue it can be dealt with (fans usually suffice and chillers have never been cheaper than now). I'd rather resolve heat issues if they arise then wishing I had got 250w instead of 150w. two times now (first 175w SE, then 150w DE), one 19" tank, one 17" tall tank I regretted not getting 250w instead.
okay now that I've said all that get the sunpod. If you can get a 150wx2 sunpod for $220 get it even if you arent going to use it. Sell it for $300 and get something better than odyssea. 250w is better than 150w but this time higher quality/reliability rules this decision. we all know Odyssea have their quality and quality control issues. 150wx2 will do (but you'll have to pay extra attention towards water clarity, optimal parameters and placement if you progress to sps like most people who get halides eventually do).