3.2 year old 125 gallon aggressive reef. - Lots of pictures


Here are some pictures!
Aggressive fish
1 Blue throat trigger
1 dwarf iion
1 Blue ribbon eel
Reef Fish
2 Midas Blennies
1 Yellow Tang
1 Kole Tang
1 Sailfin tang
1 pink spotted goby
1 flame angel
3 blue damsels
Countless crabs and snails
Corals... wow - I have a ton. - Many have been in so long that they've taken over rocks... I love it.

(Please note I have a 100 gallon sump/40 gallon ecosystem/DSB/Cheeto house) 270 gallons total with pipe work.
2 400 watt MH's / 4 55 watt PC
1 UV filter
1 1/2hp pump



Thank you for all the kind comments!
I had a sting ray, I took him to the petstore. - I loved him, but I started noticing he NEVER went in the sand, and I didn't want him to die. - He got along well with everything, If I had softer sand, I think he would have done much better.
But the eel, that I added is doing quite well! :)
I believe my trigger is male, however I could be wrong. - He has been a GREAT addition. - He loves eating flakes as well as silversides.