3 Dead Clowns


We have lost three clowns in four days. What could be causing this? We tested the water and everything is okay. We have one clown, Naso Tank, three blennies, one goby, and four anemoies left. Pleae help!


The tank is 120 FO. We cycled it about six to seven weeks before we added the fish. We have 90lb live rock and we used LS. We tested the water and had a LPS test it also before we added any fish. Two of the Clowns had been in there for four weeks, and the other two were added a week ago. It looks like the last Clown is about to die now. No signs or ich and everything else in the tank is doing great! Any ideas?


I had a True Perc die on me about a week ago and I was unsure how he died. He was fine and then all of a sudden he stopped eating for one day and then he died. Mine acted really strange he would swim on his side all of the time and I even witnessed him floating upside down(I swear). The weird thing was that whenver I opened the glass hood to feed him, he would alwasy come running. I figured that he was just a weird fish. Then one day he would not eat and the next morning he was dead.
The LFS store I got him from was subject. So I thought he was just destined to die. I do not know if this helps at all, but mine died while I had good water conditions and he showed no signs of disease. Some things are just unexplainable.


Active Member
do they look like they were beaten or eaten in any way??
what types of clowns(all the same??)
and have you noticed any aggression from the clowns toward each other?


Were they eating good when you got them. Did you ask the LFS to feed them for you. And how long did your LFS had them. If it only took a week maybe your LFS had just gotten them in and it was to soon to move again. I dont know just a thought.


We ordered them off the internet. They looked good when we got them, there was no indication of them fighting, and they ate for a couple of days. They one by one, they started laying on the bottom of the tank, floating upside down, and on their side. The one by one they died. We do have one left and he is looking good so far. I am glad the online store had a quarentee. We are afraid to add any more fish but the tank looks empty. I didn't think it could be the water because our blue star and everything else is doing well.


Active Member
I don't know squat about fish diseases - but you may want to do a search on
Brooklynella or clownfish disease
and post this in the Disease forum for Beth or Terry to look at.


Active Member
were they swimming fine, or funny, kinda like always looking up and gasping for air??
or were they swimming level for the most part??


Ther were Perc Clowns. I have decided to wait a minimum of two weeks before adding anything else, and also take a water sample to my LFS to make sure my test kit is testing the same as theirs. My tank looks so empty :(


Do you have any of those pesky ansteas(sp) they resemble tiny anemomes, but are poisonous to fish. the clowns may have mistaken one for a real anemome. Good luck