3 different tanks built into one.


Hello all,
So I've had this idea running through my head for quite some time now. What I would like to do is build a 300 gallon tank out of acrylic and divide it into three different sections. The first section would be a live reef tank. I love live reef tanks and I've gota have it. The second section would be a brackish tank. I really like the green spotted puffers and figure 8 puffers that I currently have. The final section would be a planted freshwater tank. I've got a decent size Tiger oscar that needs a bigger home.
Obviously they would all have their own filtration setups. I did have the thought that they might be able to share a common light. I think it would be a really awesome setup but what do you guys think? Any issues with having it separated like that? Let me know your thoughts!


I'm not sure how you would do the lights. Most reefs require really bright lights but freshwater doesn't. I guess if you went with a light suspended over the reef the ambient light should be fine for the freshwater. How are you going to keep the dividers clean?


I'm not sure how you would do the lights.  Most reefs require really bright lights but freshwater doesn't.  I guess if you went with a light suspended over the reef the ambient light should be fine for the freshwater.  How are you going to keep the dividers clean?
I could do three separate lights as well. Reef light for the reef tank and then just standard lights for the other two.
I would have to clean it by hand I suppose. I don't mind some manual maintainace.
On reef's you don't want a top. To get optimum gas exchange.
Ah I see. Any ideas on how to keep the salt creep in check? I would be building a canopy for the top as well. I could build dividers inside of the canopy?

mr. limpid

Active Member
Originally Posted by Richamc01 http:///t/395204/3-different-tanks-built-into-one#post_3518127
I could do three separate lights as well. Reef light for the reef tank and then just standard lights for the other two.
I would have to clean it by hand I suppose. I don't mind some manual maintainace.
Ah I see. Any ideas on how to keep the salt creep in check? I would be building a canopy for the top as well. I could build dividers inside of the canopy?
Constant cleaning.


Constant cleaning.
The dividers built into the canopy wouldn't help? I'm thinking the dividers would have to come down and meet the top of the tank. I could even put some sort of gasket at the bottom of the divider to make sure no splashing or salt creep got over to the other tank.


Yes that would help.
Right on. I don't mind cleaning either. I really think this would be a cool and unique tank if there aren't too many issues along with it.

mr. limpid

Active Member
Are you going to put dividers down in bottom stand also? Also a suggestion coat the inside of your stand and canopy, I didn't and a wish I did.


Well-Known Member
If I were you, I would actually build the filtration systems for the freshwater and brackish water tanks as a "side sump" placed in the back - and I would cover the tops. The salt tank would have a sump, and most of the filtration would happen underneath in the stand. I would also make sure that there isn't a whole lot of bubbles going on in the top of the salt and brackish tanks to prevent a lot of salt creep.


Are you going to put dividers down in bottom stand also? Also a suggestion coat the inside of your stand and canopy, I didn't and a wish I did.
I didn't think about the dividers in the stand. That's an excellent idea. I'll definitely be coating the insides of the stand and canopy as well. Anything to make cleaning easier and to protect the insides of the stand from water damage.
If I were you, I would actually build the filtration systems for the freshwater and brackish water tanks as a "side sump" placed in the back - and I would cover the tops. The salt tank would have a sump, and most of the filtration would happen underneath in the stand. I would also make sure that there isn't a whole lot of bubbles going on in the top of the salt and brackish tanks to prevent a lot of salt creep.
I'm not too familiar with the "side sump" setup (I'm still pretty new to this hobby). But I'll definitely look into it. I definitely want to build a separate sump for each separate section and have all three of them under the tank in the stand. Ill have to keep a close eye on the salt creep. I know that salt creep can especially effect a brackish tank if not properly maintained.
Anything else I should be concerned about?