3 fish dead in one week!!

mr. tuna

Active Member
I had three of my fish die in the past week.
They were my percula clown, bicolor angel, and my blue tang.
I really dont know what is going on.
My perimeters-
ammonia- 0
Nitrite- 0
Nitrate- 0
Ph- 8.3
Cal- 450ppm.
Any suggestions?
I feed them live brine shrimp,
I have a 92 gallon tank. It has been setup for 4 months,
and i dont know why it happened...:nervous:
Any suggestions i would really appreciate.


Staff member
How long did you have the fish that died? And have you added any new fish into your tank recently?
More details needed.

mr. tuna

Active Member
no i didnt add any other fish since the blue tang.
And i have not seen any of those fish being harrased by others.


Active Member
more details.............
did they eat, did they have spots or any discoloration when they died, odd behavior, how many other fish in the tank, are they ok? whats your alkalinity? did you do anything different in the past couple weeks?

mr. tuna

Active Member
My blue tang ate, until the last 2 days before it died.
My clown ate like a horse, but seemed to always stay skinny.
My bicolor always nipped at algea, and never ate the bine shrimp, and cyclpoeeze i fed the other fish.
I didnt do anything new to my tank,
My other fish not including them were:
1 true perc. clown
1 flame angel
3 damsels
and 1 mandarine goby.