I set up my fish tank around september. It used to be a fresh water tank but decided to turn it into salt water. I have no clue what the filters are but they are very old. What i did was take my dad's tank which he has had for years and turned it into salt water. My ph is 8.2, my nitrites is 0, ammonia is 0, and my salinity is good too. The temp is 85. My other fish seem to be doing fine, i have a green mandarin, and lawnmower blenny left. I also have a florida pink tip and rock anemone. My anemone was doing bad a week earlier but i put it in my other qt tank and now it is fine. None of my fish had any symptoms and looked fine the night before and ate and every thing. I have ample live rock 20-30lbs, live sand, heater, a big and small filter. This is all in a 55 gal. I have had these fish for 15 or so days, except my lawnmower. On my second day my hippo tang died. I have a serpent starfish but i doubt that is the culprit. This is not the first time this has happened and im tired of losing fish.