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I never thought of raising seahorses. I've always herd that they are difficult to keep. Other than needing live food, do they have any special requirements?
Well, IMHO, the dwarf seahorses are the hardiest for first time seahorse keepers.
The hardest part, IMHO for those just starting with ponies(dwarf seahorses), is setting up the Baby Brine Shrimp hatchery and maintaining it. The rest is finding the right water flow(which I can help you with), and maintaining the water quality, which is a bigger task with smaller tanks anyhow.
The other problem with ponies, is that everything in the DST must be dead, with the exception of the LS and pods and narsis snails and a few other clean up crew members. So you'd have to do a major over haul on the tank occupants.
I'd be happy to walk you through the set up if you like.