3 month old tank pics!!!!


Ok I am moving along here with my tank..I currently have about 40-50 lbs of live rock, 2 clowns, 1 yellow watchman, 1 six line wrasse, emerald crab, porcelain crab, anemone crab, two cleaner shrimp, plenty or hermits and snails, hammer coral, white sebae anemone, and a pink tip anemone. Let me know what u think and what I should add


This is the White Sebae i thought was splitting a while back..he is doing GREAT. Moved to this shaded area and my White anemone crab is loving this spot..(never leaves)


Active Member
:jumping: i want to move to florida!!!! nice tank, i bet it'll be superfragillisticespiallidocious after a year!!


New Member
I have a 72 gallon tank loaded with inverterbrates. I am a big fan of all kinds of shrimps and crabs. Every tank should add a fire shrimp. They are just an amazing shade of red. I also have become a huge fan of the little emerald crabs. They are fascinating to watch.


Thanks a lot guys!! Yea I love the Inverts too..My hermits eat my snails though!!:confused: I have an Emerald and a Porcelain but the ydont come out much. I just bought a toadstool coral today and she is just beginning to open back up so I will post some pics soon.. i want to add a couple more fish though...Any ideas would be great!!