3 Picasso Clowns together


Active Member
Background info:
Had a pair of Picasso's shipped to me first week of October (from Virginia). One of them died in 2 days from I'm thinking either shipping stress or mild case of Brookynella (if there is such a thing as a mild case). The second clown started showing the same white film a few days after and I kept on feeding him well several times a day with meaty meals and keeping the water quality superb. Anyways, I've now had her 2 weeks and she is completely clear without any white film and she is a true pig when she eats.
I'm getting a second pair of Picasso's directly from ORA tomorrow and I'm wondering if I can put them in the same tank with the single on or if I should separate them. I'd love to have them all in the same tank.
So, the question is... will 3 clowns be OK together? They are all about 6-8 months old.


If they are shipping you two, will one already be female? And the one in your tank is now female since she's alone. Also, even if the two new ones stay male, one will be dominant and the less dominant one will most likely get picked on or killed. Just my humble opinion.


Active Member
Thanks Jean!
Should I...
Move my largest clown pair (non-mated 6yr old false female and little over 1yr old true male) from the 75g to the 150g and put the new pair into the 75 and keep the single in the nano? Hopefully one day I'll get another single for the lonely one.


Originally Posted by SpiderWoman
Thanks Jean!
Should I...
Move my largest clown pair (non-mated 6yr old false female and little over 1yr old true male) from the 75g to the 150g and put the new pair into the 75 and keep the single in the nano? Hopefully one day I'll get another single for the lonely one.
That would probably be best. When we got the mate for our perc we found a pair and took the smaller one that way we had the best chance of it being a male, and it worked. After she beat him up good they found true love.
I am so sorry one of your Picasso's didn't make it.


i would treat all 3 for brook....you never know. even ORA's fish have diseases. you never know if it will come back or not. I would quarantine and treat, but thats just me


curious to know how you're able to receive a pair of fish directly from ORA? Do you mean directly to your LFS, ordered from ORA?
I have no clue about your question tho
oh, and pics!!!


Active Member
Directly from ORA... in the sense that they knew about my botched up picasso clown story from the spring and they wanted to make sure that I'd get better than average pair if I wanted to order through my LFS. They put a mark on his account to select *extreme* Grade A coloration when the next batch of Picasso's was ready for shipment.
I moved my large pair from the 75 to the 150 and left the single Picasso alone in the nano. The new pair is in the 75 and I've been getting a good laugh watching them check their new diggs out. These guys have probably never seen any other fish than their own kind and they were going after my Starry Blenny, then they checked out the Sixliner and right now they are going after the 4-stripe damsel. These guys are fearless... at least for now. They love to get in front of the Koralia #4 flow and get thrown around
Too cute! Pictures tonight.
pics pics pics :) I love picassos. I just got a tomato clown with an extra stripe on him, very pecular looking. Its super cool. Theres pics in my nano thread