3 Questions- Clean up crew, sand needed, live rock color?

little fish

Hi! I have three questions:
Question 1: I am starting a reef tank (60 gallon, 45 lbs of live rock) and my live rock is sitting on bare glass, no sand or coral. I would like to get a clean up crew. Do I need to have sand or coral for them? If not, what should I get?
Question 2: I am curing my own live rock, it's been 4 weeks now and my water tests are perfect. The live rock has no color, it's practically white or light green. Is this normal? How long will it take to gain some color? Is there anything I can do to speed it up? It's Marshall Island live rock in case you wanted to know.
Question 3: What is a good starter coral for a beginner?
Thanks for all of your help! I love this BB!!!


New Member
Well its best to have a sand bed or deep sand bed regardless of cleanup crew or no clean up crew, but however you can have a crew if you dont have sand. I advise you to by some live sand,GRADE 0 Crushed coral{Has two be grade 0 because any other grade willbe not fine enough and just trap debris hence increasing nitrates and phosphates.}or some oolite{sugar sized araganite, or combine them. It is best to have a deep sand bed like 3-6 inches. so really about two pounds of sand per gallon. As for the lr, you should have bought quality lr with purple coraline algea on it and other visabel and microscopic organisms, anenomes coral diff algeas ect... If you didnt get this or you dont see anoticabel amount of that purple stuff,coraline algea, I hate two say it but you probably bought some cheap stuff and got ripped off. Even though most of the time marshall island is good. Now if their is some coraline two beginn with , within a few months it should start two spread if you dose calcium good lighting ect..If you dont have any coraline , you need to by some rock with it so it will spread. A good first coral would be a mushroom. Have fun with it.