3 questions


Hello. I have three questions that I am having a hard time finding answers for through the use of google.
1.) My water is slightly discolored and is not as clear as I would like it to be. I would like to use carbon to clear it up, but I do not have any type of filter to place it in. I only have two maxi-jets, a protein skimmer, LS and LR. How could I go about using carbon filtration?
2.) I have about 20 small hermit crabs and 4 margaritta snails, but brown algae still grows all over my live rock and covers the glass in about a month. I believe this is because of the excess phosphates in my tank since I origionally filled it with tap water. I have been doing bi-weekly water changes with RO water for 4 months however.
3.) What would be a good way to add mechanical filtration to my tank. I was thinking about using a HOB power filter, but then I read that it would capture waste and break it down introducing too many nitrates to the water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by IamjoshieG
Hello. I have three questions that I am having a hard time finding answers for through the use of google.
1.) My water is slightly discolored and is not as clear as I would like it to be. I would like to use carbon to clear it up, but I do not have any type of filter to place it in. I only have two maxi-jets, a protein skimmer, LS and LR. How could I go about using carbon filtration?
2.) I have about 20 small hermit crabs and 4 margaritta snails, but brown algae still grows all over my live rock and covers the glass in about a month. I believe this is because of the excess phosphates in my tank since I origionally filled it with tap water. I have been doing bi-weekly water changes with RO water for 4 months however.
3.) What would be a good way to add mechanical filtration to my tank. I was thinking about using a HOB power filter, but then I read that it would capture waste and break it down introducing too many nitrates to the water.
1) You can get a small filter sock from the lfs. Rinse some carbon and fill the bag. Just rig a powerhead so that the intake holds onto the bag and pulls water through it. If you have a powerhead with a guard... just put the bag inside the guard. The carbon is useless if water isnt actively being passed through it.
2) you never really asked a question lol. However, water changes will help. What kind of algae is it?
3) How big is your tank?


Active Member
1. What type of lights are you using. Depending on the range it can give a different "tent" to the water. I realize this probably isn't the issue but you never know unless we ask
Will carbon actually clear the water? I thought it would just break down any chemicals that may be introduced.
2. The brown stuff could be from over feeding. ALso lack of flow, the algae builds up if there is a lack of flow in certain areas. I have a lot of hermits as well and they don't touch the stuff. You could try some turbo snails.
3. HOB filter would add that mechanical filtration you are wanting at a low cost, and that would probably solve question one, because you could use that to use filter floss / carbon. I have a HOB and i like it, but currently i'm having issues w/ nitrates (i believe from other factors). Just wash the floss out every other day or so.
HOpe this helps.


1.) I just use NO lighting since i have no corals. The water has a slight yellow tint.
2.) Now that I look closer at the live rock, I am starting to think that it may not be algae growing on it. Its brown/green and fuzzy, but it is starting to fall off off the live rock and accumulate on the sand. Could my live rock be dieing? I have a flow rate of about 11X/hour and only the rocks on the bottom of the tank seem to be doing bad, the others are growing coraline.
3.) I guess I will have to purchase a HOB power filter and that should take care of my carbon problem.
Thanks for all your help guys


Active Member
I would try to aim for a turnover rate of closer to 20x. This will definately help the algea issue. Make sure that the powerhead that you currently do have are all faciing in different directions to ensure that everywhere in your tank you are having some flow.
Hope this helps!