3 questions


I have been in the hobby over a year now, but I have 3 new questions!
1. How do I know if an aquarium decoration is safe for saltwater? If I bought it for a freshwater tank ears ago, should I assume it is NOT saltwater safe? Or is there a way to tell?
2. I added a firefish to my tank 2 days ago. He seemed fine for the first 48 hours, but this morning I found my peppermint shrimp eating him for breakfast. He was a really expensive fish - do they die easy? Or should I assume maybe he was killed?
3. I also recently added a clownfish (oscillaris). He is always swimming, never seems to rest or slow down - I guess for lack of a better term I would say he seems restless - is that normal for clownfish?
I know I can do searches and hunt through lots of threads to find these things out, but I also know we have lots of people with lots of knowledge who might be able to give me some answers quicker. :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by sooz
I have been in the hobby over a year now, but I have 3 new questions!
1. How do I know if an aquarium decoration is safe for saltwater? If I bought it for a freshwater tank ears ago, should I assume it is NOT saltwater safe? Or is there a way to tell?I would always assume not safe. Besides why put in fake decorations when there is so much more interesting real things?
2. I added a firefish to my tank 2 days ago. He seemed fine for the first 48 hours, but this morning I found my peppermint shrimp eating him for breakfast. He was a really expensive fish - do they die easy? Or should I assume maybe he was killed?The peppermint was probably just doing his job, cleaning up the garbage. Hard to say what may have caused the demise of your fish. Acclimation problem maybe? Was the clown in there first, they can be a little aggressive if they have claimed their territory?
3. I also recently added a clownfish (oscillaris). He is always swimming, never seems to rest or slow down - is that normal for clownfish?Sounds like a typical one. Always "clowning" around!!

I know I can do searches and hunt through lots of threads to find these things out, but I also know we have lots of people with lots of knowledge who might be able to give me some answers quicker. :)
Hope that helps a little.

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by sooz
I have been in the hobby over a year now, but I have 3 new questions!
1. How do I know if an aquarium decoration is safe for saltwater? If I bought it for a freshwater tank ears ago, should I assume it is NOT saltwater safe? Or is there a way to tell?
2. I added a firefish to my tank 2 days ago. He seemed fine for the first 48 hours, but this morning I found my peppermint shrimp eating him for breakfast. He was a really expensive fish - do they die easy? Or should I assume maybe he was killed?
3. I also recently added a clownfish (oscillaris). He is always swimming, never seems to rest or slow down - I guess for lack of a better term I would say he seems restless - is that normal for clownfish?
I know I can do searches and hunt through lots of threads to find these things out, but I also know we have lots of people with lots of knowledge who might be able to give me some answers quicker. :)
We had a discussion not long ago on other types of decorations in reef tanks, but I forgot what the thread was called, and couldn't find it when I searched. IF memory serves, the biggest issues were paint (i.e. make sure its saltwater safe), and the awareness that eventually whatever you put in there will be covered up with coralline algae and other "things", so it may end up looking "ugly."
Firefish can be difficult, esp. the purple ones (don't know which one you got). For some reason, they don't seem to handle shipping real well.
As Spanko said, clown sounds normal. As long as it is swimming and eating, I wouldn't worry about it.


Active Member
I agree with spanko...100%
In the first 3 days of adding a fish you are subject to acclimation shock. If there are/were no notable physical issues, your only conclusion is that. After the 3 day mark your in the clear and any deaths from there on out most likely have a different cause.


Firefish and clown went in on the same day, and I drip acclimated both of them. I got the false perc specifically because I wanted the less aggressive clown. I don't really have anything agressive in my tank, so maybe firefish died of shock...
Yes, he was a purple one.
I have a FOWLR tank, so I can't support an anenome - that is why I was going to put this tank decoration in - it is a fake anenome - thought it might give the little guy something to host other than a powerhead.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sooz
Firefish and clown went in on the same day, and I drip acclimated both of them. I got the false perc specifically because I wanted the less aggressive clown. I don't really have anything agressive in my tank, so maybe firefish died of shock...
Yes, he was a purple one.
I have a FOWLR tank, so I can't support an anenome - that is why I was going to put this tank decoration in - it is a fake anenome - thought it might give the little guy something to host other than a powerhead.
A false or fake anemone is fine... make sure its rinsed really well, maybe wash it with some white vinigar and then rinse it again really well.


There is an online store/company that sells decorations made specifically for salt water tanks. They're expensive but they're made of high quality material, they look really authentic and they wash easily. I can't post the link here or in PM because of SWF policy. If you want, PM me your email address and I'll send you the link.
BTW, these fake decorations are good for those of us with FOWLR. It adds some color to the tank.