3+ Six Packs of macro shots


Active Member
Very colorfull corals! Your 120 is coming along very nicely. I can't wait to see it in another year or two :)
Take Care,


Active Member
Thank you very much!!!
Thank you very much!!! It is 3:45 am here on the east coast and I just now finished the plumbing to tie the 120 in with my main sump. I can finally crank the CA Reactor back up and then these corals will hopefully really color up! Take care!!


Active Member
Good stuff! Getting my first two SPS frags today. (Cat's Paw & Birdsnest). Hope all goes well. Thanks for sharing!


Active Member
I was looking for the species of the #17 monti but can't seem to pin it down. Looks similar to M. meandrina, M. hispida, and M. cactus. Or I could just be totally off :D . I am using corals of the world by jen veron and there are almost too many species to choose from :yes:


Active Member
Hey Kip,
Thank you - I was thinking the same thing about #7. I have seen a few that turn completely the color of the tips that are incredible. My LFS rarely has frags but for some reason they had this one day and not knowing what it was going to turn out to be I took a chance. It almost had a Soli look to it at first because it was so flat.
Thank you very much!
Good luck with the new frags! Just give them a lot of flow & light and keep your alk & calcium up and they will do well for you!
Shoreliner11 & Kip,
#17 came from Geofloors. He has some amazing stuff. When i got it it was a lot more grape colored purple. It lost some color in my frag tank where I didn't have any actenic support (just 10K hqi's). it is a plating Monti of some kind almost like a capricornis that gets those noduals. Here is a picture of it with more of a true coloration from when I first got it. Thanks to both of you guys for the ID help! Take care!

nm reef

Active Member
Great lookin' stuff...picked up another acropora sp myself this weekend. My collection is rather limited compared to yours...but its growing.


Active Member
great lookin pics! i just hope that my tank will be up and running soon so i can use the new MH for some SPS


Active Member
Cool make sure you post some pictures!!!
MH will makea big difference! When you get them setup have your sunglasses ready.
Thank you - You don't have to worry when it comes to pictures - I love to take them!


Active Member
Thank you! I am running 2 - 250w 10K Ushios and 2 - 110w VHO URI Super Actenics. All of this stuff had been in my frag tank unger 250w 10K DE HQI Ushio's while my 120 was maturing with no actenics.


Thanks for the reply, That is the same lighting I was using on my 90gal, I just switched from ushio to coralvue 12K. I was wondering if I had enough lighting for sps, or if I needed 400w bulbs. But if that is what you are using maybe I will try some more sps's.
IMO you sps guys have the best looking tanks around, thanks again for the eye candy.


Active Member
Tanksalot ,
Thank you very much!!! :) I appreciate the positive feedback!!! You've got to love a hobby where you can superglue live animals to dead rocks!