Hey Kip,
Thank you - I was thinking the same thing about #7. I have seen a few that turn completely the color of the tips that are incredible. My LFS rarely has frags but for some reason they had this one day and not knowing what it was going to turn out to be I took a chance. It almost had a Soli look to it at first because it was so flat.
Thank you very much!
Good luck with the new frags! Just give them a lot of flow & light and keep your alk & calcium up and they will do well for you!
Shoreliner11 & Kip,
#17 came from Geofloors. He has some amazing stuff. When i got it it was a lot more grape colored purple. It lost some color in my frag tank where I didn't have any actenic support (just 10K hqi's). it is a plating Monti of some kind almost like a capricornis that gets those noduals. Here is a picture of it with more of a true coloration from when I first got it. Thanks to both of you guys for the ID help! Take care!