3 stripe damsel and clown fish


Yes... If u go to a LFS, damsels and clowns live togther... also I have a blue fin damsel, domino and a percula clown and they live togther just fine and dandy...


Active Member
"Yes... If u go to a LFS, damsels and clowns live togther... "
That's not always the case. For one thing, after you buy fish and take them home they eventually (or sometimes immediately) stake out a territory.
Also, its been my experience that as damsels get larger they get more aggressive.


my striped damsel picks on my clown fish...not all the time, but every now and then...and he'll take a chunk out of fin and tail. I personally am getting rid of the damsel....I have also heard...the bigger they get, the meaner they get.


New Member
In my experience Damsels are evil and like to pick on other fish. Just my 2 cents:)
Marks Girl:jumping:


I have a three-stripe and two true percs. The three-stripe has a rock, which incidentally is the rock he hitch-hiked home in, and it is HIS ROCK. But he doesn't pick on the clowns at all--in fact, I see the bigger clown dive at him from time to time during feedings.
I think it's really hard to predict "yes these fish will get along" or "no they will fight all of the time." Read and learn about your species, ask the advice of friendly hobbyists, but you will always have to be ready to step in and take action if necessary, IMO. You can see just by reading this thread that no two fish are exactly alike.