3 week old 135 gallon


New Member
well i got a new tank about three weeks ago and i have about 75 pounds of rock with only 80 pounds of sand. i have 6 damsels with 2 starfish and about 20 hermies. for equipment i have a 30 gallon sump with 1400gph over flow with 1.5 inch tubing, 35 watt uv sterilizer, fluval fx5, 300 watt heater, 1/3hp aqua logic chiller, coralife skimmer 220g, 48" 50/50 light, some power heads
for fish i was hoping for some puffers, a sting ray, lion fish, eel...but this is my first tank and i dont know alot of good combinations i was hoping for some feedback and opinions...


Active Member
it sounds like you want to go aggressive, you should post a question asking what you can and can not keep under the aggressive fish section.
and im not positive on this, but i think the tank is to small for a stingray.


that tank is not big enuff for a sting ray and your damsels will not last long with the puffer lion or eel


Active Member
That size tank and the combination of rock rule out a stingray.......I guy on another forum has a 1700 and the ray wasn't happy.......


Active Member
NOTE: that ray wasnt happy because it was a blue dot stingray which are notorious for bieng a poor choice in captivity.. other rays do well in larger tanks,, however not a 135