3 Weeks In


3 weeks in and no spike. whats the deal? theres beena lot of purple algae growth and lil airbubbles on the sides of the tank(i hear that might have somethin to do with the cycle) i know i should be patient but it seems everything is running perfect quality. and every time i add an ammonia source(not even mentioning all the hermits and snails) there is no spike whatsoever.wtf?


Were you testing the ammonia each day while the shrimp were in there? Are they still in there? They really need to decompose to get that ammonia spike. I also fed my tank a bacteria enhancer for about 2 1/2 weeks straight. Shrimp were in there almost 5 days. How large is your tank?


Also those hermits and snails clean up that bacteria you need to do your ammonia spike. They might be consuming it faster that your tank can take it in.


its a 65 with a alot of lr and ls
i put three peices of shrimp 2 times in the last few weeks, the big hermit and a bunch of bristle worms jumped all over it.


Active Member
Get rid of the inverts and place a shrimp in there to ROT. Can't get a spike if they are eating the shrimp

robert dri

I would get rid of the cleaners...also, are you testing for nitrites? Maybe your ammonia has already spiked....make sense?


i cant just get rid of them, its not like im gonn kill them im just gonn drop it in the sump
but does it even matter that much if they eat it?


i would get rid of them but its not like any of my freinds are into this hobby. i could see if my lfs would want them but i doubt it