3 x 55 watt PC


Active Member
Personally I would choos an 03 actinic, a 10k, and a 50/50 bulb. I like the looks of the 10k with actinic is why I chose those. I have 130watts of actinic right now over my 20 with a normal actinic and a 10k and I really like the look of it. Although in about 4 months when the bulbs need to be replaced I am going to get an 03 actinic...from what I understand they are a bit brighter.
I have three 55 watt pc bulbs. I absolutely hate them! These types of lights disgust me...but that is my opinion.
I have two 10,000k on my tank with one actinic. The one actinic is just barely enough. I think the next time i get new bulbs I'll get a 50/50 instead of one of the 10000k bulbs.


What dont you like? The 10k bulb?
Im going to get one of each - 10k, 50/50, and 03 actinic. Does that sound like a good combination?
I just dont like the over all look they give to the tank. They were fine when i first started....i thought they were the best. Then i did more research and found out about MH. Right now im trying to convince my parents to let me get a new mh and vho hood. But I also need a ro/di unit.
But id say definetly get at least one 10k for the combination. Because with two 10k and only one actinic my tank has a more yellow look to it than i would like.
Just my opinion.


Active Member
i would run 2 50/50 and a 10k mabey if your not satisfyed return them and try another setup untill you find the way you like it best


Active Member
yellow look from 10,00k and actinics only?? There must be something worong with your bulbs or something. Are you sure one is not a 50/50 or a much lower temp than 10,000, more like 4500 to 7000? You should have no yellow with that combination.

cap'n pete

Color temperature is not a scientific measurement by any means when talking about bulb companies. Just because a bulb is labeled 10K doesn't mean it isn't closer to 5K! I personally use Custom Sealife 65W PC's. One Ultra-actinic and one 10K. My tank is a crisp blue. There are several horror stories out about PC bulbs. I have never had any problems with my bulbs. I have dropped them and abused them and they work like a champ. There are also some definite junk PC bulbs out there.

cap'n pete

As far as a combo....
How about buying a actinic and a 10K. Put it on the tank and see what you think. If you like it... get another 50/50.
If it's too blue... go with a lower color such as 5700.
If it's not blue enough, get a 20K.


i say one 10k, one 50/50, and one ultra atinic blue. i have 2 40 watt bulbs in my moon-lite PC hood and love the look
. experiment with it a little.