3 yellow fin damsels vs singapour tang


New Member
I am yet another newbie to saltwater and am falling in love with it. I purchased a previously used 54 gallon corner tank with 60lbs live rock, crushed coral base, and it was previously established for 5 years. When I purchased it the only fish in it were 3 yellow finned damsels and 1 false percola clown. I would love to add a singapour angel and cleaner shrimp but I am nervous about what my damsels might do to it. There is one that is especially aggressive and dominant Should I consider taking them back to my LFS(if I ever catch them) before adding the angel or would the angel be able to hold his ground... what about the cleaner shrimp... I remember having a heck of a time catching the damsels when we moved the tank and the water was down the 5 inches without rock...

btw, I have to say I am so impressed with saltwater hobbyists... everyone is always ready to sit down and answer all my questions... truly has been a great experience so far...


Active Member
hi. it's hard to say if the damsels will kill the angel or let it be. did you know those singapore angels get to be 6 or 7 inches long? i wouldn't choose that fish for a 54 gallon tank. what about a pigmy angel? a flame or coral beauty, or even a potters angel are beautiful fish that would work in a 54.
to answer your question, i think you should remove the damsels unless you are prepared to have only them in the tank. good luck.
Here is what another site said about that angel.
This Angels with a Butterflyfish- like appearance has white on the front of the body and is dark from the middle of the body to the base of the tail. The tail is yellow; there is a black band through the eye and yellow in front of the eye band. This species can do well In captivity its surroundings are to its liking. It is an inherently skittish and peaceful fish, therefore it requires exceptionally peaceful tankmates and quite surroundings if it is to adapt. Keeping it with bold or boisterous fishes will result in the Singapore Angel hiding constantly. Keep it in an aquarium with lots of hiding places; with nonaggressive tankmates you will increase your chances of success with this species. Live rock or good crop of microalgae may also facilitate acclimation
I'd get rid of the damels fish before you put a peaceful fish in the tank.


Im new to all this but I had a hell of a time getting my damsels out of my tank. They were tearing everything up(except my clownfish). I had a blue, yellow tailed, 3 spot and a 4 striped in my tank. The yellow tail was the most docile, but also the smallest. I say take them out. My thought was that I didnt want a 5 dollar fish chewing up and harrassing my more expensive pretty fish.


Active Member
As long as you have these dam-sels; they will probably dictate everything you can keep in YOUR tank. How to get damsels out is a very common topic on this forum and I'm on the side that says get them out. I also agree with MR X; I think a 54 corner is too small for a Singapore angel;which is a difficult fish in the first place. One of the dwarf angels would be a good choice.


yeah 1 domino damsel ran my tank for a long time. i had to eventually get rid of him because he chased my longnose hawkfish out of the tank. damsels are

thats my motto
Take it out if you want alot cooler fish