30 gal aggresive setup


i have a 30 gal in the process of being set up. i have 1 dog face puffer that i will put in the tank once it is ready. what will be another fish that i can put in with him that will equal his size? fowlr set up.


i love my valentini another aggressive to go with it is a fuman chu lion u cold also get a smaller eel like a snowflake i think thats a good combo, u think?


could i just keep the puffer in the 30 gal alone? maybe with just some crabs and snails. will he eat the crabs?


He will eat all inverts, no it wont work, READ READ READ :) <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


i have a puffer in my tank with inverts and no problems.. some people have had different experiences with different fish.. imo you should be fine with him in a 30 gal.. go with what you feel and not with what some people say.. good luck


I'm not sure you guys understand that this pufferfish can get larger then 15in. in length! that wont even leave enough room for the fish to turn, let alone swim free.


Originally posted by yardrat:
<strong>i have a puffer in my tank with inverts and no problems.. some people have had different experiences with different fish.. imo you should be fine with him in a 30 gal.. go with what you feel and not with what some people say.. good luck</strong><hr></blockquote>
That is just plain bad advise
<img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> If people want to keep large fish, it's simple...get a large tank.


temp fix for temp solution.. she is planning on getting a bigger tank.. just not right now is all.. the puffer is still a juvy and will be ok for now.. imho


Active Member
you can still keep puffers, just not dogface. valintini, sharpnose, and virtually every toby will do good in there. if you want a dogface, a 75 would be good, although i know of someone (who knows his puffers) who has one in a 58. bo


thank you grouperhead for your honest POLITE opinion... i really appreciate it...i am new at this and just want simple answers with not alot of hassle.


Active Member
puffer, no problem. the gang here can be a little rough at times, but usually they are trying to steer you in the right direction. bo
ps, im in montgomery


Active Member
puffermama, you did not cause any problems at all, as grouperhead said, we can be rough, but it is only because most of us care aboutthese fish, not jsut ours but fish in general, yes some of us fish for sport and some of us hunt, but we all pretty much agree that when we bring home a fish we adopt it and wish all of them the best that can be offered and we want to make sure you know certain things, but are not trying to start things, believe me, i am one of the worst some times and it is generally b/c i have a hard time typing clearly wihtout always upsetting others but it is not out of spite or conflict at all
IMO, go for the 90 you asked about earlier ;) , the pufer should do fine in that, for now, enjoy the 30(for now though), and unfortunately i would not advize adding any ohter fish in wiht it though


I agree the puffer shouldn't go into a 30g and advising otherwise is incorrect.
But as a previous poster mentioned, fish DO have individual personalities. I've had a porcupine puffer in a 90g tank full of delicious inverts for almost a year and he doesn't even look at them.
A big fish is a big fish, and there's no getting around the space requirements...but "sometimes" the compatibility guidelines don't "always" apply.


thanks to everyboby that has helped me out. i really appreciate it and do plan on getting a bigger tank in the near future. i just figured i would start with something not to big since i am new at this hobby and i still have alot to learn. also one more question, would my puffer bother any anemones if i went with a reef tank instead of an agressive one. :)


a green wolf eel would do great in a 30 they only get about 13 in" long and dose great with lions as long as it wont fit in mouth these eels are really not even eels but dottybacks but still great for30 gal agressive setup and i would consider a smaller puffer