30 gal tank question

Hi everyone I hope everyone is well.
I just a a simple question I am setting my 30 tall up to be a fish only tank and I was wondering what fish I could put in there? I want to be able to put at least 4-5 small fish. Ones that will not outgrow the tank.Any ideas you folks have would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks everyone and have a great day
thanks for the ideas . I have clowns in my 30 reef but I was thinking maybe to put a couple clowns and maybe a watchman goby. but what could be the 4th and maybe 5th or is 5 to many?:) thanks again all


I guess it all depends on your filteration, what kind of fish, size, and so on.
Maybe you should wait a while and see how things go with 3 or so.


I would go for this.
2 Clowns maybe different species as in your reef.
2 Domino's if you want semi aggressive.
1 Bi-Color Blennie
Just my opinion I think that would be a nice setup.
ok folks thank you for all your imput I think I have come up with a list I am happy with but I want to run it by all of you and see what you think in terms if there being enough space and will they get along
ok here it is
2 Bangaii Cardinals
1 yellow watchman goby
1Fridmani dottyback
1 cleaner wrasse maybe
I will be running a emporer 400 filter and possibly a seaclone 100 skimmer
what are your thoughts are there to many fish
thanks again all:joy:


Skip cleaner wrasse. needs # med-lg fish to "clean" feed ( pick of parasites, dead tissues, slime). Poor survival record in captivity as a general rule any way. Wild reef fish need them much more than us hobbiest who can keep cleaner shrimp with much more success. Maybe a pair of false percula clownfish instead? Just a suggestion.:happyfish


Yea definatly skip the cleaner wrasse. If you do want a wrasse though I would recommend the 6-Line.


New Member
I agree with the false percs suggestion, they are great.
What about a citron clown goby?small and peaceful.