30 gallon agressive


I comming back into fish keeping after a year and decided to start of with at 25-30 gallon agressive aquarium.
THe fish im thinking of putting in are:
1. dwarf lion fish
2. longnose hawkfish
What do you think if i put a larger size clown in the aquarium so the lion wont see it as a treat?
CAn you guys advise me on some other cool small agressive fish that i would be able to put in the tank.


Active Member
i got a 29 gallon right now..with snowflake and clowns..i just got a 25 gallon..im going to turn 25 gallon into a reef with clowns and seahorses and turn 29 gallon into aggressive i was going to put
Snowflake eel
spotfin lionfish
some sort of dwarfangel


If you are going to have seahorses you will have to put them in a tank by-them-self.
The Clowns will out compete the seahorses for food and they will end up starving.


i would say you can fit 1 lion and a small-medium sized fish in a 30. ive researched this a lot as im gonna be setting one up eventually. i would say you could either do
-1 dwarf lion
-1 longnose hawkfish
1 dwarf lion
1 maroon or tomato clown.
I dont think either of these are that great. what kind of dwarf lion fish? theres the fuzzy and dwarf zebra but they are the 2 more boring ones you can keep in a 30. the antennata gets to 8" and is more appealing and then there is the 4" Fu Manchu lionfish.
the most interesting is definately the Fu Manchu and with it you can keep almost any fish in there. you could possibly even do a hawkfish AND clown if you go with a Fu Manchu. it depends on your skimmer.
so -Fu Manchu
-Longnose Hawkfish
-Maroon or Tomato clown


Originally Posted by Debbie
Hey, I love my new Fuzzy dwarf lionfish and it is not boring.....

i guess its sort of a loophole cuz i said MORe boring. meaning as dazzlingly exciting as they are there are others even more dazzling

just take a look at a fu manchu.