30 Gallon lighting


I've got my 30 gallon started, but haven't started stocking it yet. I've just got a few questions on some good corals for the amount of lighting that I have. I have got 1 65 watt blue actinic and 1 65 watt vho flo.. What types of corals would do well with this amount of lighting, and from what I have seen no anenomes would, but if anyone knows of any let me know.
Thanks in advance


i have a 33 gallon and i had 96 watts on it. (pc 48 watt actinic and 48 watt white vho light)
I kept a LTA in this lighting and also a brain coral. I have since switched to 250 watt mh. To answer your question you could low light corals and invertds like mushrooms, xenia, things like that. You could keep most corals in that lighting but not clams, or other high light corals. My knowledge or coral species is small so thats why i didnt give to many examples.


Is it safe to say that most "low light" corals are generally easier to keep then those that require more lighting? That just seems to be my assumption from reading through these threads. Which is fine by me, since this is going to be my first ever DESIGNATED reef setup
. So the easier the better, I just want to make sure that I have enough light to at least have SOMETHING grow in there!!