30 Gallon Tank DiaRY


Active Member
just finished. took maybe 10 mins. didnt get pics while fraggin since gf was mad that I woke her up. Ill post pics of tank at 1 so lights will be on then. Heres pics of what I used.
I didnt even use the xfaco blade since the new scissors I bought worked damn good.
But used super glue for a small frag just to see if I could get it to attach. Used the sack off of oragnes for the other frags. I hope I didnt do them to tight and tight enough. I didnt kno what I was doing and it looked tight on the xenia, but didnt feel tight. how is it supposed to open up with that around it? Hopefully all turns out okay. Post pics later of the frags. Heres the equip



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Also heres a full tank shot. Kinda looks messy now.
I put the brain on a rock. And put my Zoa rock build onto the sand so it could get more light and flow and I could add onto it easier, and they look better since I put them there. U cant really see anything though since lunar lights are on. I think it looks better to me, but gf doesnt like it lol.. Ill take another one later maybe.


Active Member
Also will be fraggin my trumpet coral into 3 frags. One will have 5 heads and other 6 or 7 I think. And the one ill keep will have 8 heads I think.
I gotta head to my work today and pick up a good wire cutter? I guess thats what I need to frag it should work!


Wow, everything is looking niiiiice!~

Loooove your rics! Mike has the most awesome rics! Everyone who gets them from him have always been very pleased with them.

You have quite an awesome zoa collection there, and I'm sorry that I'm not good with all the fancy names of them, but you have some really, really nice ones and they all look great!

and I am toooootally jealous of your pink pom pom xenia! Xenia was doing so well in my tank, but these days, not so much, and I don't know why?
Pink pom pom xenia has always been one of my favorites, but I can't seem to have success with it.


Active Member
yay a new vistor. lol. Yeah I love the xenia and I was about ready o thorow it out after I first got cuz it looked so bad. Got for only 5 bucks I believe. But now it looks great. I cant wait to get home and see how the little frags are doing lol.
Thanks for the complaiments. They were nice. I really want to get some mroe from Mike. They're jjust awesome. Now if only I could get mine to grow like his lol.


Active Member
i cant wait til next week! i should be gettin in some nice zoos if they all look how they should!! went kinda crazy at lfs they got a new wholesaler. and they have a ton of zoas they could order me. I dont wanna ruin all of them I got but I got some rare Satans Breathe. geez they were expensive. and got 5 other frags or 6 i cant remember im excited


Active Member
And just rememberdd something else I got.
Rainbow palythoas Ive seen them go on some sites for 20-50 a polyp think I got a 5 piece frag for 50


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Looking great so far. When are you getting in the new zoas? I want to see this rainbow paly you are getting!


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yay another new vistor!!! lol The LFS usually get shipments in on Firdays, but he said he'll try to get them here before that. I dont know when the stuff my girlfriend got me will be here. I know im excited


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Heres a pic of some rainbow palys I found on some reefking site



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frags are still okay. Today the small one I glued to a plug came off, but that was expected who knows where it'll end up growing now
.. I can def get a pic of the frags 2morrow even though it isnt much to see!


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Yellow morph Tai Zoas

Galactic explosions Zoas

Monster Lip Palys

Pink Zuit Suits Zoas

Cotton Candy Zoas

Green Dragon Eye Zoas

Eagle Eye Zoas

Montezuma's Revenge Zoas

Pink Panther Zoas


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Just came from LFS and picked up a Sally Light Foot Crab. Pretty sweet lookin, Might give it to my girlfriend bro though. Idk.


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Kinda pissed today. The stuff my girlfriend ordered me from this guy wasn supposed to be hear today, but I wake up to no package. Guy was supposed to send this way last week it was paid for last sunday. The guy will not respond to any emails I send him either. Im giving him til wednesday to respond back to me.


Active Member
just tested all my waters levels and everything is great as usualy so FAR!!!
Ill take a new full tank shot since I moved my zoo rock to the sand bed.
Post in a bit


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Random Pics. FTS looked like crap so im not posting it!

Never post pics of my SHROOMS, cuz I like zoas a bit more but here you go
