30 GALLON tanks stocking suggestions.

Hey guys/girls,
My 30 gallon tank is almost done cycling now and i was wondering what you guys/girls think i should put in my tank.
so far
25lbs live rock
and when the tank is finished cycling im going to my lock fish store to buy a pair of false percula clownfish. i want some colorful fish so please throw out some suggestions!


You don;t have a lot of options with a 30G so you really have to plan well.....are you planning on keeping any corals??
Look into the gobies...they are small and cute....also the firefish are good, chalk basslet


Active Member
Some blennies would be do able. I have two firefish, two clowns and a tailspot blenny in my 30g.
Some wrasses would go in there to, but some can be aggresive. Just make sure you do your reaserch and make sure your tank can meet the demands of what you want. And tankmates wont be aggressive to eachother.