30 Gallon???


I have a 30 gallon aquarium that I use for my mini reef. I am looking for a few other small fish for it. I am open to all suggestions.
Current Stock:
Mated pair of False Percs.
Green Clown Goby
Yellow Watchman
Also a 6 line if I can catch him in my 120.


I was thinking of an Angler but wasnt sure if it would eat the other tankmates already in there. I have a Volitan, striped puffer, huma huma trigger, bird wrasse, christmas wrasse, huge domino damsel, and also a powder blue damsel in the 120 aggressive.
Oh the 30 gallon is the long version which is 36" long


Active Member
I'd leave the current stock alone and put my efforts in corals. with the clown goby and watchman its going to have to be something peaceful. The addition of the sixline fills it up (if you can catch it). I consider 5 small fish a pretty heavy load for a 30g "reef" . I limited mine to four fish and thats with 10g water changes weekly, a 10g sump and a sump skimmer that wont break a sweat on a 30g.


I as well do 20% water change on both of my tanks weekly as well as run two skimmer on my large tank and one on my 30gal that is rated for 135 gallons. So with the stock I have I really dont count the clown goby as part of the bio load he might be 1/4 an inch. So I was either looking for a another paired fish or trio or even just one single fish to add some more movement in the tank as for fish wise. I have about a $100 budget for the fish(s). Keep all the suggestions coming.


Bump, I am actually looking for a school of fish for the 30gal long tank. They will be the last fish added to the tank. Please help as I need some suggestions.


A Flame Hawk Fish would be a good add they are great to watch hop from rock to rock. I have one in my 165 and he is a great fish to have mine is great with corals and all the other fish great color also.