30" T5 Fixture

tanks alot

i have 2 30" coralife T5 fixtures they have 10k bulbs and actinic bulbs the fixtures are 36 watts total so 18 watts each bulb work very good i just decided to go with a MH. best resonable offer... dont private message me either email me at mardisr@msn.com or aim ArSeNaL1499 ..thanks


im interested ... dont know how much you want does it have stand, i have a 20 gallon long about 30 inchs, so i would have to put it on that ... if you can show me pics it would help and it would have to be shipped to 92612

tanks alot

they have like these little stands built in. i paid $105 new only used them for a month but i can do $60 shipped? if you have an email i can email you pictures