300 Gal. Agressive Pictures( new aquascape)


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
my hand is int he tanka ll the time actually, noone bothers me at all they know when its cleaning time .. but i do have to have someone watch the lions dont sneak up under my hand!
thanks for all of the compliments guys/gals.. ill soon be adding an orange toadfish and my bullseye stingray to the tank
your fish must understand the idea of "dont bite the hand that feeds u"...
toad fish are so ugly, but i cant wait to see the ray, best thing you could have in your tank if it is FO
awesome pics... thanks for sharing...


Active Member
unfortunatly i dont have a choice when it comes to cleaning time! but they are sort of trained to stay out of my way when i clean the tank,, except the darn lions, they love to investigate and i have to chase them away

shark bait

id you get the toadfish yet. Did you see the one I posted. The tank looks great. Love the shark!!!


Active Member
no im actually waiting to find a really nice size orange one, since he will have to live with monsters in my tank, i wouldnt want him to be too small.. most of them im coming across are too small to be in my tank..


how big was your unicorn tang when it started to develope its horn, i have one in a 200g that i have had for a month, Barbie. She is maybe 2 1/2"- 3" with not even a bump yet. I know they are fast growers so im not to upset with the waiting or any thing im just wondering when i should expect her to start developing her horn.


Active Member
shark bait What size are you looking for?
i would say 6 inches minimum
rara12 how big was your unicorn tang when it started to develope its horn, i have one in a 200g that i have had for a month, Barbie. She is maybe 2 1/2"- 3" with not even a bump yet. I know they are fast growers so im not to upset with the waiting or any thing im just wondering when i should expect her to start developing her horn.
i got my unicorn when it was about 4-5 inches and it already had a bump, but the horn has grown alot since he has gotten bigger...also are you sure its a unicron? it could be a valigmi which are easily confused for unicrons

shark bait

Well if you have a hard time I can help, but I don't like to ship that far.


Active Member
remodel looks great. Do you still have the star, and maroon clown? I am looking to start stocking my 220 and want to add a maroon, but putting it in with lions makes me nervous. what size was yours when you added it?


Active Member
hey sharkbait, thanks alot i appreciate the offer,, unfortunatly shipping would be hard right noe since its soo cold as well
i actually have 4 starfish in my DT.. i have a bamaha star, a red general, and two chocolate chip stars,, all very big except one is a baby
as far as my maroon clown, i added him along time ago, he was about 4 inches when ig ot him and beleive me he held his own! but i felt soo bad because he didnt have an anemone.. he hosted a rock rock the longest time and was VERY territorial over that rock,, i then moved the rock and its position and he never found it again, so he started lay int he sandbed really depressed looking... Thus i had to take himt o the lfs where ho QUICKLY went itnto an anemone of his own and then someone bouhgt him and the anemone..


im pretty sure, it looks just like your guy, only no bump. He is being housed with a vlamingii, which is irresponsible on my part because they are both in the naso group of tangs but it looks like your keeping yours with a blond naso so it might just work out. They do get along great but im being very catious about them.


Active Member
I was actually consideing a red general, should be ok in my tank(no puffers or triggers) I think I will try the maroon, just need to find a larger one. Sorry to hear you got rid of yours, but considering the circumstances it was probably for the best.
Thanks for the advice, and again, great job on the tank.


Active Member
rara12 im pretty sure, it looks just like your guy, only no bump. He is being housed with a vlamingii, which is irresponsible on my part because they are both in the naso group of tangs but it looks like your keeping yours with a blond naso so it might just work out. They do get along great but im being very catious about them.
its not that they say not to keep nasos together, they justput emphasis on never keeping a valigmi with a unicorn..justw atch them closely and hopefulyl they will get along!
Hammerhed7 I was actually consideing a red general, should be ok in my tank(no puffers or triggers) I think I will try the maroon, just need to find a larger one. Sorry to hear you got rid of yours, but considering the circumstances it was probably for the best.
ya it was hard getting rid of him since i had him over a year! but he really needed an anomone it was a sin! also there are alot of places ot find them really large as i did so i think you will have good look,, just be carefull once he establishes a territory then get mean! also make sure you get a gold stripe maroon not just a maroon..