300 gal eqipment recomendations?


New Member
I just ordered a 96/24/31t glass aquarium and was wanting to build my own wet/dry or sump and would like some recomendations on how big it should be and whether i should go with a wet dry setup like i have now on my 150 or if I should go with a sump or even a combo of both. I am wanting to do a FOWLR setup and was wondering how much water turn over would be required and how many return pipes should I use to feed the tank. I currently feel like i do not have enough circulation on my 150 and dont want to have powerheads all over my new tank to help with the circulation. I am very handy with tools and can make my own sump or wet dry, Im just not sure how big this thing would need to be. Thanks in advance for the help.


New Member
I've recently ordered the same tank, currently having the furniture built. Keep me advised on what you do. I'm asking the same questions, trying to figure out flow rates. Several folks have said 10-15 turnovers an hour. I'm trying to find a wet/dry that will handle that rate. email: mflamb@tampabay.rr.com


I dunno... just my thinking I guess. I'd think that if I bought a 300 gallon tank... I'd already know quite a bit about what I was getting into. Like how much water flow.... :notsure:
For starters, your total turn over rate does not go through your sump/wet/dry... That's what additional pumps are for.
Good luck.


Originally Posted by Agent707
I dunno... just my thinking I guess. I'd think that if I bought a 300 gallon tank... I'd already know quite a bit about what I was getting into. Like how much water flow.... :notsure:
For starters, your total turn over rate does not go through your sump/wet/dry... That's what additional pumps are for.
Good luck.

well maybe you could not be a jack@ss and try to help to try and answer your question it really depends on what kind of tank you would like but i would defintely say either way the bigger the sump the better maybe turn a 125 gal into a fuge/wet/dry that should do more than well enough turnover rate 10-15x on fowlr or fo tanks way more for reefs


if you need a sump like that a have a tank im selling its a 120g. it sounds like it should work for a sump for you.
if your interested e-mail me at sportwon@comcast.net
i would do a search on here theres other people that have ask this question so see what they had to say.


Active Member
hey guys i have a 300 gallon tank and i use a seperate 45 gallon sump and a 55 gallon fuge and it works out AWESOME( thanks to turningtim) who figured out all the calculations so backwash and poweroutages where takin into consideration etc....if you want to see soem pics of my setup just lemme know


New Member
I would definitely would like pics of your setup. As for the jack@$$, it's been several years since I've had an aquarium, and I did well with limited info. This time, I'm trying to do the best I can do, so help out or shut up. No let me rephrase. Just shut up. You obviously don't have anything constructive to offer. Also, for the note of defense, thank you.


I have a 300 gal tank as well. For filtration I run a 90 gal sump and a 30 gal refuge. The sump always has roughly 35 gallons in it but as stated for power outages and such I need the additional capacity due to a significant amount of water stored in the drain lines (which are 2" pvc and run to the floor above). In any event this works very well for me, I have roughly 3500 g/h from tank to sump and within the sump I have an 1800 g/h pump running my skimmer, a 250 g/h pump running my refuge pump. In the tank I have a 700 g/h pump hooked up to a 1" pvc pipe structure with small 1/8" holes drilled all over for general tank circulation and to help with deadspots, and that is covered with LR. I generally change about 20% of the water every 4-6 weeks however I can tell you that I have seen wonders in the water clarity since the addition of an ozonator (well worth the investment). Good Luck to you.


Active Member
for better shots justemail me if you would liek to at psusocr@aol.com
but heres one pic to just let you see how i have them.. the 45 gallon sump is on the left side with an external protein skimmer outside of it, then it is hooked VIA overflow box to the 55 gallon fuge which is on the right


Originally Posted by mflamb
I would definitely would like pics of your setup. As for the jack@$$, it's been several years since I've had an aquarium, and I did well with limited info. This time, I'm trying to do the best I can do, so help out or shut up. No let me rephrase. Just shut up. You obviously don't have anything constructive to offer. Also, for the note of defense, thank you.
Cracks me up.... say a comment like "hey, sure you know what you're doing there?" and people immediately go on the defense.

your total turn over rate does not go through your sump/wet/dry... That's what additional pumps are for.
Hmmm... I dunno. A question about turnover rate was being asked... and I responded to it...
DVST8R, try to use puctuation... your long running sentences are too hard to read.
People need to just get a life and learn to take contructive criticism. :hilarious
And again... good luck.
The jack@ss.


New Member
Thanks for the help guys. I guess something else that Ive found that guys are doing is the closed loop. Im thinking about calling the manufacturer to drill some holes in the back wall? Is that correct? Any recomendations on where they should go would be helpfull. I think that i could also use a plumbing T off of the suction side of the closed loop pump to drain the tank for water changes or are you guys doing this some other way. Im not looking into doing a reef setup but i do want to make sure that have adequite water flow to keep the system clean, fish healthy and my nitrates low. Im also looking at trying to set this tank up so that it requires less maintenance than my current 150. thanks again for your help.