300 gal stock list


Alrights its been awhile scince i've posted trying to get you guys too help you out on a tank and during that time a i bought a 300 gallon arcylic tank with superb filtration and here is a stocking list i have
1 Epaulette shark can i have 2
2 bluedot stingrays
1 miniatus grouper
1 dragon wrasse
1 Emperor red snapper
can i have more fish or this list seems fine what do you think


right off the bat.. that tank is only big enough for ONE epaulette. I would also only put ONE blue spot in there.


i dont know what to tell tell but sounds like it well be cool!!
get some pics up when you get some livestock.


Active Member
Nix the dragon wrasse. There's a good chance he would pick on the shark's cartilage. I think two epaulettes, or an epaulette and bamboo would be ok, but I think the only other fish in the tank should be a ray. Go for a yellow ray, they are much hardier than blue spots. Make sure you have a very fine sand and make sure all live rock is secure.


Active Member
It is really up to you. Pers if I had a big tank I would have it with agressive fish "but not to agressive I couldnt keep large tangs and angles."


wat do u think about the 2 epaullette sharks, 1 ray, and mabe another fish notsure wat type though or mabe one smoothdog fish and 2 epaullettes


Max. poplulation density suggested by Scott Michael (pp. 220) is 4 epaulette's per 300 gallon tank, so 2 eps and one ray should be fine. Although, I'm one of those that believe blue spot rays belong in the ocean. The eps are a great choice. You can definitely do more than one ep so long as you keep other inhabitants to a minimum. Good luck.


Do you have Scott Michael's book? If not, you should get it... be very careful about selecting "big fish" tankmates. No triggers, puffers, etc. Good luck!


Active Member
I like the small banded sharks "well there not small but there small for a shark anyway" I also like groupers but I dont know if they would work as my chart I used to have wont work.


Active Member
I say 1 epaulette, 1 ray, 2 volitans, and a zebra moray sense eels and lions make good tankmates for sharks and rays cause they don't pick at them. :D


but wont the shark get wild during feeding and possibly get stung thats why i want either shark no lion or lion no shark