300 gallon no room for sump....what HOB filter?


randy 12

What type of filter would any of you put on a 300 gallon fish only aquarium? There is absolutely no room for a sump. The dual Bakpaks?...3 of them? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.



Originally posted by aarone
get 3 fluval 404's and a bad ass protein skimmer, and you will have beautiful water.

That's a head scratcher, is it sitting on the floor?? I don't know your stand, but a 300, you should have some kind of room under there :confused: , even if you had to link a couple of small sumps.
Please explain the no room.

randy 12

Not my tank, it's at my doctor's office. They have an undergravel filter which has been in place since it was installed about 15 years ago. The front of the tank faces the waiting room and the back of the tank is in their billing/file room. It is on a built in stand and they didn't put doors on it or anything. I'm really not sure what's in/under the stand. Behind the tank they have the copy machine, postage machine, shredder, etc. On one side of the aquarium is a counter with more equipment and the other side is the door. Not much room for anything...or even to put a ladder to clean...very tight fit.
Do you not think 3 dual bakpaks would do a very good job?
The only way I can put a skimmer on is if it hangs on.


Staff member
Is the plan to change the UGF system? Is something changing, or you just want to consider more filtration? Won't HOT skimmers be unsightly, since it seems that the back and the front is "viewable"?

randy 12

Plan is to not use the UGF anymore. Not necessarily take out the UGF but take out the uplift tubes and fill the holes with gravel. The back is not viewable. It has a black background.


This site sells hob filters, called eco-systems or something. Uses mineral mud and algae to clean. Check it out.

madd catt

You could use those tunze modual hang on the back filters that connect together and then you can use the hydroponic reactor that can grow mangroves for natural filtration.
Or you can use two or more ehiem professional wet/dry canister filters.

randy 12

They want to add more fish and their nitrates are a little high. They only have an eel, puffer, tomato clown and some damsels. They would like some nicer fish such as tangs, large angel, etc. The tank just looks so empty.