300 gallon stocking list


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Originally Posted by DAVE_15
well i have 2 snowflakes in my breeder tank...also there is some agression between the two somethimes...do u know anythin about it? how to stop it?... how do u get him to eat out of your hand?

Just wave the food in front of the eel and they will come after it.


Active Member
Tess. Morays and Greens will not work in that setup. Greens will max out at 8' - 10' and Tess. will eat anything in the tank, including other eels (your Zebra idea), as well as maxing out around 8'.
If you want other semi-aggressive suggestions, that'll hold their own against that stock list, look into Whitemouth Morays or Hawaiian Dragons (I own both).
Clown and Queen Triggers will not work that list...not just with the Lions. 300gal, unfortunately, is not big enough to control their territorial and aggression problems.
Unicorn Tangs will be too big, even for a 300gal tank, as they max out at over 24" and require an enormous swimming area.
As someone else said...you're going to need ALOT of rock work if you plan to house Morays, but you're going to need next to no rockwork if you plan to house sharks or rays. Also, to disagres with what jr2857 said...your tank will not be big enough for 2 Bamboos and you'd be pushing it with one, with the rest of your stocking ideas.
Two Volitan Lions would be alright (I own one that is 15" long). There may be some aggression, that will lead to fighting, if you're not careful though.
The puffer idea, however, would not work. They're very inquisitive and will nip, pick on and bite any bottom dwelling, slow moving fish (sharks, rays and eels).
My stock list, with what you want, would consist of the following:
2 Volitan Lions
male/female pair of Blue Throat Triggers
Either Whitemouth or DME
Blueline or Bluespot Grouper
What type of filtration are you planning for this tank?


Dude iam all for you getting the clown trigger dont listen to what anyone else tells you go ahead and get a clown trigger in that size of tank he should do fine trust me but just keep a close eye on him like any other aggressive fish clown triggers are the way to go my man they have the most personality out of any other fish you can buy right now i have 6 females and 1 male in a 1200 gallon tank and they have had babies but sad to say neither of the babies survived iam working on that though


Active Member
Originally Posted by triggerluv
Dude iam all for you getting the clown trigger dont listen to what anyone else tells you go ahead and get a clown trigger in that size of tank he should do fine trust me but just keep a close eye on him like any other aggressive fish clown triggers are the way to go my man they have the most personality out of any other fish you can buy right now i have 6 females and 1 male in a 1200 gallon tank and they have had babies but sad to say neither of the babies survived iam working on that though
Considering the fact that Clowns dont breed in captivity, I'd like to see pics of this 1200gal. setup, with your Clowns.
Anyone who knows anything about aggressive fish knows that Clowns cant be trusted in a tank with other semi-aggressive to peaceful fish unless you're talking about a tank in the 500gal. range or higher.


not to be mean or anything but isnt it true that most aggressive fish can not be trusted at all? learn about your fish a little more will and not in a mean way caution has to be taken with every aggressive fish is what i am trying to say


as far as breeding them it is very possible, it is true anything is possible if you asked me 20 yrs ago about keeping a 5 gallon nano i would look at you like you were mental but these days nano tanks are the big craze, i have been in the hobby for years and i mean years and am always looking for new things people have not done old saying your mind is like a parachute if you dont open it it doesnt work ps:but sad to say neither of the babies survived iam working on that though posted in the last few posts none of the 2 survived but i guarantee that i will be successful in breeding this fish it just takes time


Active Member
I'm not saying it's not possible to breed them. What I am saying is, with all due respect, I honestly dont believe you have breeding Clown Triggers in your system. If so, you need to be writing every major aquarium and well respected Marine Bio. professor at every major university because you've done a first.
I would like to see pictures of your system, with these Clowns and pics of the spawning and eggs/young.
And...Clown Trigger fish are not one of those fish that "might be" aggressive. These are one of the most aggressive fish, in the ocean, that you can keep in your home aquarium. They can and will kill everything in your tank, just for the hell of it. I've been diving and have had adult Clown Triggers chase and bite me when I encroached on their territory.


Considering the fact that Clowns dont breed in captivity those are your exact words so you just kinda contradicted yourself right there just out of curiosity where were you diving


well it seems kind of funny that i am probably old enough to be your dad and have been in the business for well over 20 yrs with a major aquatics company known all over the world also known as sea something i just think that i would know a little more about marine life than you not in a meaning full way i know it sounds like iam being mean but iam not


Active Member
Originally Posted by triggerluv
Considering the fact that Clowns dont breed in captivity those are your exact words so you just kinda contradicted yourself right there just out of curiosity where were you diving

Exactly...I said "THEY DONT BREED IN CAPTIVITY", meaning...they have never been bred in captivity. That doesnt mean that there's not some distant possibility that they might, which is exactly why I asked to see the pics of your system, clowns, spawing, etc.
Hawaiian Dragon Morays have NEVER been bred in captivity, just like the Clown Trigger. That doesnt mean I'm not going to try with the 8 HDMEs that I'll have.
And, I was diving the east coast of Australia, just north of Rockhampton, on The Reef.


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Didnt stick around long enough to pull out my tape measure, but a guestimation would've been around 10" - 12".


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Originally Posted by mitzel

I'm not fighting...honestly...just answering the questions that are given to me.


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This forum is turning in to the jerry springer show lately ***)


Active Member
Originally Posted by mitzel
This forum is turning in to the jerry springer show lately ***)

Posts like that, unfortunately, are going to get this thread closed...which I dont want to see happen.
No one is fighting here. We're two grown men expressing our opinions with each other...it just so happens that they're 2 different opinions. lol


i agree 100 percent it is true we are just stating two very different opinions thats all well at least we agree on one thing