New Member
Im considering having a custom 300 gallon tank made and im not sure what demmensions would be best for my stocklist that i want. i wanted 120"long x36" deep and 16" high. would a tank that short look wierd and will it be comfortable for fish? The only reason i dont really want to go bigger is because im already dreading the water changes. For my stock i want:
Humu Humu trigger
Niger Trigger
Pink Tail trigger
Emporor angel
Blueface angel
Zebra moray eel
dragon wrasse
Blond Naso tang
Powder blue tang
dogface puffer
Humu Humu trigger
Niger Trigger
Pink Tail trigger
Emporor angel
Blueface angel
Zebra moray eel
dragon wrasse
Blond Naso tang
Powder blue tang
dogface puffer