
Active Member
I liked it somewhat, definitely didn't love it. I don't feel it was nearly as good as "Sin City".


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
who didn't love this movie? my new favorite

I should of seen it last night but the wife took me to Preminition. That is the most pitiful movie I have seen in a long time!


Active Member
I've been familiar with the story for a long time, and I read "Gates of Fire" a couple of years ago, so I was really looking forward to 300. I have to say that I wasn't real crazy about it, though. I didn't like the "filmed in a small box" feel all the green screen acting had in Sin City, and unfortunately it was basically repeated in 300. I think the movie would have been a lot better if they had actually gone outside and done some filming. And the blood effects often looked a little weird, especially when you consider that no one ever got very bloody. On the plus side, the action sequences were quite good. Unfortunately, action sequences alone don't make a great movie.


Active Member
great flick, but i truly understood this quote from an old classic when i walked out:
"so bobby, do you like gladiator movies?"


The only thing I didn't like was the big choppy-arm hooks guy. I kind of liked this one better than Sin City -- maybe because I like the whole Battle of Thermopylae thing. Way cool.


For entertainment, I thought is was really good movie. Went to an early matinee with only about 20 people in this huge theater and everyone started clapping at the end. Never saw that before. Maybe a bunch of war-monger, gladiator types. Who's to say. But I do admit, I love battle tactics. Wonder why...
Historically???....They missed a few things like the fact that Spartans had their own slaves (okay, citizens that took care of the Spartan warriors) while fighting for freedom??? But I guess if you want a historically correct movie, you'd watch History Channel or Discover Channel or read the book "Gates of Hell". Good reading. Couldn't put the book down.
I agree with rbaldino. I would've loved to have seen outside action. There was an old movie called "The 300 Spartans" that was more factual and outdoors, but they could not capture the immense size of the Persian army nor the true Phalynx of the Spartans.


i just thought it was one of the weird movies i saw, but it was still pretty good. Did not love it though. Everything just looked fake to me.


Originally Posted by WangoTango
it was cool, very bloody though.
yeah i noticed that but did u notice that there wasnt anyblood on the floor. digital blood man! wouldnt it have been cooler if they had the fake stuff?


who didnt get chills when leonidas screams "This is Sparta" and kicks that messenger in the chest down the hole?......cause i know i did


Active Member
I liked the movie because it did have cool action scenes and a pretty good soundtrack to back it up.
But it was not historically acurate at all. The whole rhino thing I wasn't buying, and the elephants were as big as the ones on Lord of the Rings. The king of persia's whole moving throne would be impossible for starving slaves to carry. Oh and the Spartans didn't have any armour on but historically the armour is what made them so good. They had such advanced armour that they wouldn't get wounded and could kill so many. Then I think it didn't show how invunarable the spartans were because they got massacared by some of the persians special forces after like three waves.
A great movie, I loved the action, if only they'd make it more accurate then I'd love it more. IMO


Active Member
I'm buying this one on HD, it's great for entertainment. If you want plot and real history then it's crap but for excitement and gore this movie is excellent. Plus my boyfriend loves historical movies and I don't but we both liked this one. A little for everyone. Although I didn't like the part with the creepy old wizard guys and
