30g reef 'rebuild'


Originally Posted by acrylic51 http:///forum/thread/382835/30g-reef-rebuild#post_3347806
Just getting a chance to reread what you had posted......You had mentioned about your skimmer....I'd try to remove all equipment if possible from the DT. I remember that you said your planning on doing a sump at some point during the rebuild....
During your researching and upgrading process I'd seriously look at replacing the AquaC skimmer....IMHO you'd get more skimming preformance running a ASM mini on the tank.....I'd put money on the ASM over the AquaC.......
Sounds like a plan to me. I would like to mount my powerheads using magnets. Going to look into it. I just never have luck with them - they fall off into the sand bed like it is their job. Had one that seemed like it was running fine randomly crap out and kill a large portion of my tank off while I was up at school. I think when I redo my sump, I will incorporate a slightly larger than ideal (for normal sump turnover) return pump, allowing me to plumb a couple returns as my DT flow.
Still doing water changes. Water chemistry was pretty cranky. Getting there. Also still pulling crap out. Going to measure out my sump and post up my design when I get a chance. Will have to figure out my skimmer choice as well.


Active Member
Have you checked out the Koralia PH's.....Spelling is probably wrong, but I think you know what I'm referring too. I haven't heard people complain about them dropping off as other PH's.
As far as flow, hmmm that can be debatable/questionable. You shouldn't try to increase your flow rate inside the DT through your sump....I know your thinking this guy always has "buts"...When you flow to fast through the sump your skimmer isn't as efficient as it could be processing the tank water. With that said you could incorporate a CL (mini) for your setup.


Alright, been busy.
Goals for the week:
- >5g water change.
- Measure and design future sump
- Order a couple power heads
- Decide on return pump issue (need feedback).
I will incorporate that skimmer into my sump design. It looks like I will be happier with it. I just want to get this sump under way. I feel it will help out my system, and I'd like to get it set up before I start pulling rocks out.
How much flow should I be looking at again for a 30g tank? 10-20x turnover for a reef normally? I have a good bit of rock in there. I was thinking of just ordering 2-3 new powerheads for the display. I could just stick them to the back of the tank and point them towards the front of the tank. It is difficult to find a good flow in that tank due to the narrow dimensions. Any good magnet type mounts for power heads off the top of your head? That would be perfect. I will look into the suggested ones for sure.
Pump. I'm tired of putting a poor powerhead under the pressure of that return. Is there any small and quiet external pumps you would recommend for my situation? I only have 1" plumbing from the display down, but if I have a larger return section I would have enough surge room to safely run a controlled siphon.
Aiming on about 30g capacity for the sump, so I'd like a good bit of water movement if possible considering it will be half my volume if not over. Thoughts? I know it is overkill most likely, but I'd like the extra water volume for consistency and the space in the sump.
Waiting to put the lights and end caps in until after I swap the equipment around to see if it fixes my salt creep issue.
As always, appreciate the feedback. Thanks.


Active Member
You are wanting between 3x-5x turnover rate from your return pump....You have to take into consideration your head pressure loss due to plumbing and such......You might shoot for a turnover rate of that nature for inside the tank, but it shouldn't come from your return pump.


Sounds good.
That 3x-5x turnover for the return pump should be water volume of the entire system, not just the display tank, correct? Any specific brands that you would recommend? I have never used an external pump, so I don't know much about them. If there are internal ones that can withstand the head pressure reliably, that would be fine too. Most of mine kinda crap out after a year or two even with decent maintenance for some reason =(. Not too much head pressure. Return goes over the top of the display tank and its on a standard AGA stand. Maybe 4' plus fittings that go over the top. Will have to measure it out.
I didn't plan on having the 10-20x turnover through the return pump, was more concerned with power head sizing on that end.
Plan on having some sump designs done by Friday involving some measurements =)


Active Member
When I calculate turnover rate I only count the DT. With that being said a 30 gallon tops 5X turnover rate would be 150. Then again as you have to factor head pressure, and the look at your pump choices that will get you into your target range. For a smaller pump, economical I'd suggest Eheim and Mag being my last choice.


Sorry for the long void of nothing-ness for the reef tank. My life took a pretty quick turn for the busy. Also just found out due to project progress, will be working 60 hours a week. I can do 50 pretty comfortably, but 60 is pushing it pretty badly. Oh well.
Anyhow, I should have a new 5 door, blue Subaru STi arriving march 14 - one issue down and under control =).
And back to the tank. Got back from work a bit early today due to weather. This allows me to do some serious work on my tank. Really suspecting the sump to be the issue. I need to get a list of more toys to order. A few small power heads to help flow within the display in place of the power filter/skimmer are on the top of the list.
Basically, no good progress yet. Will be working hard at it though as time (and funding) permits.


Alright, got my water change done and way too much algae out of the tank.
I am running a mini science experiment now. I am 'short circuiting' my sump into itself... hence eliminating it from my filtration system for now. I am going to try to figure out if the sump is my nutrient pool, or if it is my rockwork.
On a good note, a 28g tank downstairs became vacant. This will help me out greatly. I plan to use it as a holding tank to basically 'restart' my 30g. I need to think of a good way to do this. I think I will fill it up and start the cycle with a power filter on it while soaking a 1/3-1/2 of the rock in my tank. I will add that rock to the 28g temp tank afterwards, and proceed to temporarily move the remainder of my livestock over to the holding tank after making sure it is not recycling. Then I will soak the remainder of the rock and tear the 30g down to bare bones. I am actually debating replacing the tank while I am in there (the tank itself is over 30 years old actually) with one that is predrilled with the fancy overflows in it.
I need to order my 'soaking' chemicals, powerheads, and my sump acrylic. Sump plan next in line.