30g starts! OMG YES!!! pics inside!


hey everybody so ive been on here for a few months now i'm sure a few of you have seen a few of my questions well went out yesterday and got everything i needed and got my tank up and running now its time for comments and pics! :cheer:
sorry forgot to add!! 34lbs of live rock and a 150mh clip on from corallife! i think i'm set on lights! and i'll be gettin more rock wheni have money again!
here is all the stuff

pics of my light ballast and filter/skimmer i bought! LFS said it was awsome ! has woked well for me clkeared up my sand mess over night !

30 gallons of publix RO water! i really need to buy some water containers! lol

and here is the final product! its a 30g tall ! i like it so far!

so the rock is uncured and i got 20lbs of live sand! do i still need the raw shrimp the lfs said that i wouldnt w/ uncured rock!
comment away!


I love the beer beside all that water...
i hope you didn't add the beer to the tank by mistake...
Nice set up...


Hello, Im very new as well, but I think the shrimp hurries it all along for you. Your rock looks great! Good Luck:)


Active Member
you won't need to add a shrimp your live rock curing will cause your tank to cycle...tank looks good...


no no beer made it into the tank all it did was cause me to take way longer then it should have espically when my buddies who were suppoed to be helping kept making me go on beer runs ! lol


also the only test i have done is
water temp 78.8
salinity .023
when should i start testing all the other goodies


Active Member
you'll want to check your ammonia in a week or so see if you have a spike...if so then your cycle has started...maybe check sooner sometimes tanks cycle fast you never know...then your nitrites and nitrates will go up and once everything is back to zero then your good to go


Active Member
Originally Posted by Seattle
Lol! I accidently spilled a can of Pepsi in my FW tank,good thing nothing really happened :joy:
The fish didn't pay any attention to it because Pepsi sucks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by imfsub12
if you would of droped COKE in it, the tank would of started to leak from the High acidity...

at least they would have had a tasty death.


i want more rock but i got no more money i saved up and spent all of it !! plus a little more !!( sorry cell phone SW tank is way better then you) but next friday i'll get some more rock! maybe all of it i need like 4 more peices to make is what i want! but i'm going to do my first test tomm on PH, nitrites, and nitrates! so i have a base to go off of i'll post pics of the tank all cleared up and my test results!
here are soem shots w/ the custom lunar lights !! (still learning what do use w/ the camera for best shots! using a Casio Exilim 6MP)



hey on a side note i'm a mechanic and when we run out of the cleaning soultion we use coke to clean battery terminals! yea drink up boys!! coke cuts battery acid ! and your guts!! lol !


:jumping: well good morning everyone on day 2 now! and figured id test my water levels just to have some numbers as a base to start w/ i guess they all seem to be where there supposed to be for now! i think i'm gonna add the shrimp to speed it up a little! well here are the numbers and some pics of teh tank all cleared up! enjoy and comment please!
ph- 8.0
ammonia- 0ppm
nitrate- 0ppm
nitrite- .50ppm
now the pics!



Try to remove the background and dry it off before putting it back on... looks like it got some water stuck between it and the glass.


Good Looking tank. I also like the dimensions of the tank. I am curious about one thing. Are you planning on using the deodorant if the fish start stinking? :notsure: