30g starts! OMG YES!!! pics inside!


My ammonia spiked at 5ppm according to my API test kit, which probably was not that high, and everything survived. But with an accurate kit, I think microfauna can stand up to 4ppm.


Originally Posted by azfishgal
IMO you should question everyone on here, do your research and then decide for yourself, so no worries. If you ever do Hypo though you will want a refractometer, because they are much more accurate and you want to be exact when doing Hypo. I've read a few stories on here where the Hydrometer gave people the wrong readings and caused problems. You are just starting out though, so it should be fine for a while.

I always hear how good these refractometers are so I ordered one, should be here tomorrow, I'll let you know how much of a difference of readings I get.


well i guess we will see what happens in the up coming days i have to get 2 more peices of rock on sat and some more sand i only have a inch in there now not enogh in my eyes! but keep checking back as i will be posting pics like crazy ! lol sorry but o well ! o yea and a heater ! get alittle cold at nigth !


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
......i will be posting pics like crazy ! lol sorry but o well !
We'll hold you to that. You only need to apologize if you start this thread and then leave us hanging with no more pics. Looking forward to seeing it come together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
My ammonia spiked at 5ppm according to my API test kit, which probably was not that high, and everything survived. But with an accurate kit, I think microfauna can stand up to 4ppm.
in a thread a while back i brought this up, 1 or .5 i couldn't remember which....one of the mods here said he shoots for .5 anything above that during you should do a water change. i usually trust their opinions.


the skilter is awsome at cleaning the water and filtering!! butt............. i'm am gettin rid of it ASAP!! the tank is in my room! and OMG is that thing is sooooooo loud!
i wanted to throw it away last nigth!
OMG i'm drinking tonigth so i should sleep rigth tru it! lol ! but hopefully this weekend i'll get a new filter!
i was reading on another thread that i should have at least a 15x turnaround w/ my filter i'm only gettin like 10!! so prob gettin a bigger filter! who knows need to see what they have at the LFS !


Originally Posted by larryndana
in a thread a while back i brought this up, 1 or .5 i couldn't remember which....one of the mods here said he shoots for .5 anything above that during you should do a water change. i usually trust their opinions.
That's cool. I left the entire shrimp in my tank to cycle it, I figured the more ammonia present, the faster the bacteria will spread. All the lil critters survived, just my experience... plus I really don't even know what the reading was with that crappy test kit, lol.


Active Member
Originally Posted by joojoo
That's cool. I left the entire shrimp in my tank to cycle it, I figured the more ammonia present, the faster the bacteria will spread. All the lil critters survived, just my experience... plus I really don't even know what the reading was with that crappy test kit, lol.

i'm sure not all life in live rocks or live sand will die over a certain amount, but i wouldn't let it get to high.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cjason3041
tank looks good, but..... i will tell you from experience...samuel adams is much more condusive to building a tank

Because you mentioned the mighty Sam Adams, you are now my favorite person on SWF.com!!! Cheers!!!



Page 2 yes! another reason to be happy !
here it is i'm so happy!
amonia -0(in less then a week!!)
NItrites- 5 (i think its maxed out!)
so my next question is i'm buying either 10 or 20 lbs of live sand and some more rock is this goign to start another mini cycle or cycle all thogther! i'm only gettin prob 2 rocks my be 15lbs at the most! so what do you guys think ? :notsure:


so the brown alge is really gettin on my nerevs and now i find these white spirewweb looking things on some of my LR and they are gettin bigger each day so i got sick of them to so i decided to poke at on or 2 of them and it seems like something is rotting on the LR! could this be dead w/e from when my amonia spiked and is my spiked nitrites goingt o kill w/e is left alive?? hopefully some one can help me out shoudld i do a water change what should i do i need some help ! i'm getttin more rock on sat or tomm night and i dont want everything in and on it to die like i'm pretty sure this rock did!
so please instead of just looking give me some info i have searched and nothing is helping ! i have 750 view and only 50 replys i know someone out there has had this prob oor heard of it so please someone help me on what to do ! thank you very much!
ps tomm the tank is gettin a case of no lights to hopefully stop or kill the alge!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
the skilter is awsome at cleaning the water and filtering!! butt............. i'm am gettin rid of it ASAP!! the tank is in my room! and OMG is that thing is sooooooo loud!
i wanted to throw it away last nigth!
OMG i'm drinking tonigth so i should sleep rigth tru it! lol ! but hopefully this weekend i'll get a new filter!
i was reading on another thread that i should have at least a 15x turnaround w/ my filter i'm only gettin like 10!! so prob gettin a bigger filter! who knows need to see what they have at the LFS !
I wrote a response how to make the skilter almost silent. Page back and find it. More rock will create more cycle unless it is cured. If the rock is suspect, scrub it off and rinse in salt water. I usually scrub and rinse right at the LFS when I am picking it. As far as turn over, power heads count for turn over. Once the tank is established, you shouldn't even need a filter.
Looks good!


Hey Brewski where did you get your moonlights? i can't find them anywhere except for those that inside the hoods. :help:


new pics will be up tonight! going to get a little more rock and sand! guy i work with is tired of looking at pics of my tanks and staring over my shoulder at this stuff and is gettin a 29 bio cube. lol tehre sellin them dirt cheep by me ! like 199 last sat !


well if you all havent noticed this is about the time for water test! lol
and here they are !
water temp 78.6 no lights on trying to kill the brown alge!
nitrites-1-2 waht do you think!
adn will more LR and LS mess everything up??


well here it is 10lbs of LS and 12LBS of LR! I am done buysing sand and freaking rocks thank you god! well here are some of the pics w/ the new rocks and now the tank looks a little diff then the pics b/c i had a slight avalanch! i blame it on the earthquakes here in fl!! but still looks awsome i'm very happy!
you think i can maybe add a small cleaning crew this weekend if my nitrites drop?
