30g starts! OMG YES!!! pics inside!


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
There are certainly different opinions on this, but with that said, I'm only waiting 6 months before I get my brittle star.
Who knows, I might break down and do it sooner.

the reason for having a mature tank for some stars is because stars like linckias and fromias can not be spot fed, among other stars as well.
serpents, brittles, cc are stars that can and in most cases need to be spot fed. which is why a mature tank isn't needed for them, just a stable one.


when i first went and got everything to set my tank up the LR that i bought had a brittle star hidden somewhere in it, i did not know this till i was looking the rocks over a few hours later(it was just in a plastic bag, no water) and seen one of its legs move, ya i jumped. but any way in it went into a brand new tank. Its been in there for 3 months now, and all of its arms have almost completely grow back, guess the brittle part happened on the way from the LFS to the car to the house to the floor to the..ect, he was pretty much just a button with stubs. but he is still alive. My tank is an eclipse system 6, very basic.


Active Member
Just a few comments and you can take them for what they are worth.
Your rockwork looks as if it is leaning on the side glass. This is a bad thing for a couple of reasons. You will not be able to keep the glass clean with your mag-float and it wil %^ss you off. And the added pressure of rock on the glass pushing outward may cause leaks down the road.
Please do not get a starfish yet. Wait for 6 or so months if you really want one. They are detritus feeders and if they go into a tank that is not well establised an mature they will starve to deate.
Please do not get a cleaner shrimp yet. Wait a couple of months for this as they also like a more established system.
You have without a doubt the nicest rock I have seen in a while. It is so large and light it must be very porous and will make a great breeding gound for all of the support life that will be growing soon.
How is the temperature fluctuation problem going?
Keep up the posts and the pictures. You are doing a great job so far. Continue to take things slow and you will be rewarded with a wonderful system to enjoy.


1 rocks on the glass)- i guess i'll have to deal w/ it and worst case i'll get a cleaning stick. there is almost no other way to arange the rocks in a way that i like ! and about added pressure mot much is touching the sides!
2 temp issue)- got it down it only moves about 1 to 1 1/2 daily! most fulx was caused by my house being freezing at nighht and no heater! so that is fixed!
i also have a few questions !
1 as long as salinity goes back up is a cleaning crew ok to add tomm? minus star and shrimp?
2 can i add some basic corals zoos shroom this weekend maybe 2 clowns?? :help:


Active Member
I would probably go ahead with the CUC. I would be hesitant on any corals and would definately not add the clowns yet.
That's just me so take it for what it's worth.
Anybody else?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
1 as long as salinity goes back up is a cleaning crew ok to add tomm? minus star and shrimp?
2 can i add some basic corals zoos shroom this weekend maybe 2 clowns?? :help:
IMO it's ok to add a cleaner shrimp. I added one soon after my tank cycled and then another one two weeks later. They are doing great, have both molted and they eat right off my feeder stick (mysis shrimp
). They also like pellets and the other day when I put some flake in for my clowns those silly shrimp walked on the surface of the water (upside down of course) and got their share. It was very cool to watch. I would also add cerith snails and nassarius snails, they have done a gerat job cleaning my tank. Oh, I also added three Emerald Crabs and love them, so fun to watch. For me personally I'm holding off on the star for a while. And as far as the clowns I would wait. I just now put my clowns in one month after my tank cycled. One reason being because after having them in QT (a must IMO) for 2 1/2 weeks they showed signs of ich :scared: (the reason QT is SOOO important) So I had to Hypo for three weeks and then slowly raise the salinity back up. I put them in the 125 tank yesterday and they are having a ball!

Just remember, nothing good happens fast in a reef tank.


ok cool guys thanks for the help just a insight got home tested my water and its up to 1.023 so think i'm ok!
on a side not! i will be gettin the cleaning crew tomm minus the star and the shrimp i'm not sure yet prob going to be a last min thing ! we will see i'm prob going to buy a hole buch of diffrent typed of hermits and snails so that i have all areas covered ! so we will see tomm nigth while they are acclimating i'll post up a list and some pic! by the way still working on taking pic of things in the water nto very easy! lol any tips i got a CASIO EXLIM 6.0 MP just a shot to see if i ca get some pointers!
thanks for all your help!!


Active Member
being that your tank is new i wouldn't buy but half of the clean up crew, just my opinion. if you buy a bunch of snails and they have nothing to eat they will die.
i'd add the two clowns, and watch your levels, remember the more you add the bigger the bioload, adding to much to soon will give you a mini cycle. so like i said i'd add the two clowns and a very small clean up crew.
spanko, read my posts. the brittle star can be spot fed, only reason this star would die is bad acclimation or not spot feeding at all. as long as the tanks water is stable.


ok so whats the werdict?? i have 3 people telling me to do 3 diffrent thing! what do i do !! :scared: do i combine all 3 into one idea or what !
all i know is no star even tho the last post said it would be ok if was spot fed yet for some reason i do think i would see mine long tons of places to hide!
also you sayin tehre wont be enough food for all them well dont i need fish to make more food and you guys are sayin no fish for another few weeks ??
also i thought cleaning crew was barley a bio load on the tank!
mass confusion! lol


Active Member
add the clean up crew you listed on the last page. your alwasy going to loose members of your clean up crew, you just replace them as needed.
hold off on fish for at least another week. test your water next week and as long as all levels are still good, then you should have no problem adding a fish. as long as 90% of your clean up crew survives the first week, then imo, you can add a fish.
and i would hold off at least 2 more weeks after the fish to add some coral. start with something simple like some zoas. something that looks nice and will keep you occupied, but something that doesnt cost you your next car payment (in case it does die).
and just a heads up, steer clear of the star polyps. they look nice at first, but they will take over your tank. (your probably thinking you wont care, as long as there growing, but you will care a month or two when your rocks are covered and you have no room for corals) its a common beginner mistake.


Active Member

You will always get different opinions on things. Just take what people say, do your own research, and then decide what would be best for YOUR tank. It's all good.


ok so 2 say go w/ last post! i'm taking that as my post of all kinds of cleanin up crew minus star and possibly cleaner shrimp! is that right! just wondering ! i really dont want to get flamed! lol


Active Member
i don't think you will get flamed, once your tank is cycled your ready to begin to put in it and do whatever you want.


Active Member
what did you do to get ur skilter to work? i got one and when i turn it on it just blows tons of small bubbles and nothing ever gets in the collection cup. pls tell me how you done it , without motifying it, i dont really want to do that if i dont have to ty, jessica


my skilter does the same thing! there is no way for it to work w/ out modding it! its garbage! sorry !
after work i will be gettin my clean up crew! pics will follow!


so went to the LFS after work to get my clean up crew! well i guess today was everyones day at the store cause it was empty when i got there!

so i got a very small crew
8blue leg hermits
8 nass snails!
they are extremely happy! after acc. them they went rigth to work . well the hermits did! snails did their sweet ninja flip and then right in the sand! but everyone looks really happy!!!
ps teh snails are tiny like 1/4 the biggest is this normal??
so this sat i'll be gettin the rest of my crew and i think i'm getin some corals for dirt cheep! and i knwo your all gonna yell at me cause its to early and what not but o well ! cant pass this up !
some more hermits a emerald crab and some turbo snails! are to come this weekend!
no star and no cleaner i'll get hime once there is fish in there!


so went out and got me some corals from a member here who was awsome and hooked me up w/ some sweet corals! so here are some pics teh best i can do! ejoy and comment away!
ammonia .25 its going up i'm not liking that!
nitrite 0
nitrate 0
my sweet frogspawn! someone said somethign about it being a octo varity or something but w/e he is soooo happy lol !

my leather toadstool mushroom like 2in not happpy but coming around! didnt like the move at all! but looking way better!

and a monti frag like 3in by 2in

and this is the whole tank!