30g starts! OMG YES!!! pics inside!


here are the new pics of all my new stuff i prommised! and everyone looks so happy except my new frogspawn i guess gettin used to the lights
first my new fish!!
here is my 4 wheel drive goby!

him chillin w/ my brain!

and his current home! its like a mansion for him lol

next is my fire fish!

and here is one of the clowns! and my monti!!

my new brain!

new frogspawn! not very happy still ajusting i guess! only beeen 24 hours!

my other frogspawn, my monti and my toadstool shroom!

last but not least a whole tank shot!


I like your Toad Stool Coral it is small. I also like your two goby's. I also like your Monitipora frag.


Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
zoo and shroom frags are on there way pics will be up soon keep a look out! :cheer: :jumping: :hilarious

Can't wait to see blue mushrooms in your tank!


also swaped oout my 10k mh for a 20k and OMG what a diffrence it made everything looks amazing ! now it just my camera does not like taking pics w/ it that blue! so i'm gonna borrow a neighbors or a buddies sometime soon!
so far i have added 3 blue shrooms and about 15-20 polyps of eagle eye zoos! i have zombie eyes on the way!


well here are some new pics of the tank as i said befor got a new light 20 makes th tank look sooo good in preson but the camera dosent like it all that much ! if anyone can give me some tips on how to take a better pics that would be awsome! well enough chit chat here are the pics!!
well here is my cleaner shrimp! hes awsome!

mt brain! after fatty just ate!

feather duster i picked up yesterday!

heres a few of the shrooms( i picked them up from a great member here)

you can see the eagle eye zoos i got in this pic!

the best i can do for a full tank shot!

and sadly one of my clowns is now in fish heaven ! my power head took him out!


5 more corals on there way! :cheer: :jumping:
kyna tree
zombie eye zoos
green sinularia
Waving Hand Anthelia
should have them all by friday! so new pics will be up soon! and i will get a better camera for the pics!
also since one of my boys died what should i get to replace him? idea's?


Good color on your rocks.
The 9nth picture in post #120 seems to show that your powerhead does not have a screen on the intake. Is this true? If so, did you add one after your clown got sucked in?


got lots of new stuff and just ordered a 250MH and 2 65w pc for a total of 380w

should be here soon and got a few ricodia and 2 hairry shrooms i'll post pics soon! keep and eye out!


Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
5 more corals on there way! :cheer: :jumping:
kyna tree
zombie eye zoos
green sinularia
Waving Hand Anthelia
should have them all by friday! so new pics will be up soon! and i will get a better camera for the pics!
also since one of my boys died what should i get to replace him? idea's?

Hey there!!
I was wondering if you ever got a filter or screen for your power head. Seems like a lot of people run into that problem and I seen that you can get a filter to attach to the PH. But, after you fix the problem so it doen't happen again, then I would get another clown. Just got to have 2 so they will spawn. Get a very little one in case yours have already deciding on whether to be a male or female.
How are the blue mushrooms doing?


on the replacement i got a bigger clown cause the more aggrisave clown died! so new clown is doing great! there all paired up and very happy!
the blue shrooms a awsome there huge! like all 3" plus ! i'll be taking pics very soon! awsome sell thank you so much! there not really blue but multi color like a blue and green mix!! its amazing! i love them!!
and no never got a screen for teh PH ! o well ! they learned there lesson! i added a nother max jet 400 today with a screen on it tho!


so got some new stuff!
250w metah hailide
2 65w true blue atinics
8 blue moon lunar lights!
2 florida ricorida!! there is about 7 mouths total! 11 bucks a peice!
2 hairy green shrooms and few tiny kenya trees
waving hand coral! growing like a weed!
still on its way is a yellow watchman goby and a sexy shrimp!
flash on!

flash off!

let me know what you all think thank you!


I see the blue mushrooms!! I like all the holes in the rock. Looks nice and clean!
Do you have glass tops on it? I am concerned of the firefish reason why I asked since they are known to go carpet surfing. If not you can try egg crate on top.


nope no lid on it! he has been very good ! wont even go to the top to eat flakes ! stays on the bottom and mid range of the tank! i feed him pelets and brine sometimes!!
ps your shrooms are awsome! they open up about 2 to 3 inches ! and they arent a solid color! from blue to purple and green its awsome! thank you !!


Originally Posted by Brewski4u1
nope no lid on it! he has been very good ! wont even go to the top to eat flakes ! stays on the bottom and mid range of the tank! i feed him pelets and brine sometimes!!
ps your shrooms are awsome! they open up about 2 to 3 inches ! and they arent a solid color! from blue to purple and green its awsome! thank you !!
Must be the MH giving that range of color on them.
Enjoy staring at your tank!